Quiz 2: Vocabulary Flashcards
a protein compound that speeds up or slows down a chemical reaction, a biological catalyst
an apparatus or device, such as a treadmill or stationary bike that can be used for measuring the physiological effects of exercise
Essential Hypertension
abnormally high blood pressure in humans that has no known cause and therefore no known cure. The most common type of high blood pressure
Normal respiration rate and rhythm
the loss of heat resulting from changing a liquid to a vapor
any and all activity involving the generation of force by the activated muscles. Exercise can be quantified mechanically as force, torque, work, power, or velocity of progression: a pace
Exercise recovery
the performance of light exercise during recovery from exercise
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)
the maximal volume of air that can be expired from end expiration
outside the cell
an extra heartbeat
Fast component (of recovery)
the initial, rapid decline in oxygen consumption at the start of recovery from exercise, usually lasting 3 to 4 minutes, formerly a lactacid oxygen debt
Fast twitch (FT)
a muscle fiber characterized by fast contraction time, high anaerobic capacity, and low aerobic capacity; all making the fiber suited for high power output activities. Includes both type A and type B
Fast twitch A (oxidative-glycolytic)
a type of muscle fiber that is fast contracting and that has a high power output (glycolysis). Relative to fast twitch B fibers, it also has good endurance (oxidative metabolism)
Fast twitch B (glycolytic)
type of muscle fibers that are fast to contract with a high power output, but they have the poorest endurance because they depend on only glycolytic metabolism
a compound containing hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon atoms. They contain far fewer oxygen atoms than a carbohydrate and are not water soluble; one of the basic foodstuffs
Fat free weight
the weight of body tissue excluding all fat (lean body mass)
a state of discomfort and decreased efficiency resulting from prolonged of excessive exercise
Fatty acid (free fatty acid)
a chain of carbons linked together and surrounded by hydrogen atoms. These hydrocarbons contain a methyl group at one end and a carboxyl group at the other end. The usable form of degraded triglycerides
Fiber to nerve ratio
the number of muscle cells in a motor unit in relationship to the motor neurons axon that is innervating it
irregularity in force and rhythme of the heart; or quivering of the muscle fibers, causing inefficient emptying
Field test
a test that can be administered anywhere. It is usually performance based and estimates value that can be more accurately found using a criterion measure
the range of motion that a particular joint can move through. Static and dynamic flexibility
an instrument used for measuring the range of motion about a joint
Flow meter
an instrument to measure Minute Ventilation
Foot pound (ft-lb)
a work unit. that is the application of a one pound force through a distance of one foot
that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion of an object. A muscle generate a force in a muscle action. Force equals mass times acceleration
Free weight
an object of known mass. not attached to a supporting or guiding structure, which is used for physical conditioning and competitive lifting. Typically a dumbbell or barbell with weight attached
Repetitions; the number of times something is repeated
the assembly of a carbohydrate (glucose or glycogen) from a noncarbohydrate source such as a fat or protein
A simple sugar; C6H12O6
Glycemic index
A carbohydrate scale. It measures the elevation of blood glucose associated with the ingestion of 50g of any carbohydrate food with the elevation caused by the ingestion of 50g of white bread
Glycogen sparing
the diminished utilization of glycogen that results when fat (and sometimes protein) is available as a fuel for exercise.
a polymer of glucose; the form in which glucose is stored in the body. The major storage sites are in the skeletal muscles and the liver
Glycogen loading (supercompensation)
an exercise diet procedure that elevates muscle glycogen stores to concentrations that are two to three times normal
the manufacture of glycogen from glucose
the breakdown of glycogen to glucose
the ability of muscles to produce forces of varying strength; from very light to maximal force or tension
Growth hormone (GH)
a hormone secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland that stimulates growth and development
the area in the center of the A band where the cross bridges are absent
Half-reaction time
method of estimating speed at which a chemical of physiological reaction or change occurs
Heart attack
the blocking of blood flow to a portion of the heart muscle. also known as myocardial infraction
Heart Rate
the frequency or number of times per minute that the heart beats. the frequency moves through a range from a certain minimum to a greater values as someone does work. It reaches maximum frequency at the point where it will no longer increase
Heart Rate Reserve (HRR)
the difference between the resting heart rate and the maximal heart rate
a form of energy. the term is often applies to the wasted or lost energy from the human body
the ratio of blood cells to the total blood volume, expressed as a percentage
discharge of blood into the urine
concentration of the blood
dilution of the blood
the study of the physical laws governing blood flow
Hemoglobin (Hb)
a complex molecule found in red blood cells, which contains iron (heme) and protein (globin), and is capable of combining with oxygen
the rupture of a cell, such as the red blood cell
Henry’s Law
a well documented and irrefutable observation that the amount o gas that a fluid will absorb under pressure varies in direct proportion to the partial pressure of that gas
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
a specific kind of cholesterol (in the blood) that is thought to be protective against coronary artery disease
Horizontal Component
on the treadmill, work that is done parallel to the earth’s surface
Hormone receptor
a region on the membrane of a target cell that is specific to, and can react with, only one hormone. Sometimes referred to as a ‘lock and key’ mechanism
a discrete chemical substance secreted into the body fluids by an endocrine gland that has a specific effect on the activities of other cells, tissues, and organs