Quiz 2 Review Flashcards
- Major contrasts between Primary and Permanent Teeth:
- What is the size difference?
- cervical ridges ?
- color?
- root shapes?
-Primary teeth are SMALLER in overall size and crown dimension.
- Primary teeth have markedly more prominent cervical ridges & are NARROW at their “necks” (the location that surrounds the cervical line)
- Primary teeth are LIGHTER in color
- Primary posterior teeth (molars) have roots that are more WIDELY FLARED
- Anterior Root Comparisons:
- How do the roots of primary anterior teeth compare to their crowns ?
- What produces a marked difference in the cervical area ?
- The roots of primary aneroid teeth are NARROWER & LONGER compared to their crowns
- NARROW roots w/ WIDE crowns produce a MARKED DIFFERENCE in the cervical area
Incisal View- Primary Maxillary Central Incisor:
- Mesiodistal measurement is what compared to faciolingual?
- Incisal ridge ?
- Facial surface is what compared to Lingual surface?
- Lingual surface tapers ?
- Mesial & distal surfaces ?
- Mesiodistal measurements are GREATER than the faciolingual
- Incisal ridge is centered over the main bulk of the crown & is relatively straight EXCEPT for a SLIGHT CURVATURE to the lingual on the distal portion
- Facial surface is much WIDER (and smoother) than the lingual surface
- lingual surface tapers (gets smaller) toward the cingulum
- Mesial & distal surfaces are relatively wide, enabling good contact w/ the adjoining teeth
- Facial View- Primary Maxillary Canine:
- Crown outline form?
- The cusp position ?
- Mesial cuspal ridge compared to distal cuspal ridge?
- The proximal contact location ?
- Facial ridge location?
- Root length compared to crown?
- Root display?
- Crown outline form: Diamond or arrow shaped
- Cusp position is slightly DISTAL of the center of the tooth
- Mesial cuspal ridge is slightly LONGER than the DISTAL cuspal ridge
- The proximal contact location are at the SAME level
- Facial ridge location is SLIGHTLY on the DISTAL HALF
- Root length is TWICE that of the CROWN
- Root display a CURVATURE toward the DISTAL
*Mesial View: Primary Maxillary First Molar:
- Crown tapers toward?
- Cusp length compared to mesiofacial cusp?
- Lingually positioned _____?
- Facial cervical ridge—–?
- Cervical line ?
- Proximal contact?
- How many roots are evident?
- Lingual root inclines ?
- Bifurcation between the mesiofacial and lingual is?
- Crown tappers significantly TOWARD the OCCLUSAL
- Mesiolingual cusp is TALLER & more POINTED than the MESIOFACIAL CUSP
- A lingually-positioned medial marginal ridge groove is present
- The facial cervical ridge is extremely convex
- The cervical line is straight across, except for a slight occlusal curvature on the facial half of the crown
- The proximal contact is located in the faciolingual center of the tooth
- ONLY 2 trots are evident from this view because the mesiofacial root is SUPER-IMPOSED over the distofacial root
- The lingual root INCLINES out beyond the lingual confines of the crown and curves facially in the APICAL ONE-THIRD
- The BIFURCATION between the mesiofacial & lingual roots is ALMOST at the location of the CERVICAL LINE
- Occlusal View- Primary Maxillary Second Molar
- How many cusps on this tooth?
- Crown outline?
- Marginal ridges?
- Oblique ridge
- Transverse ridge?
- Major fossae?
- Minor fossae?
- Distal oblique?
- Transverse groove?
- 5 Cusps on this tooth (from largest to smalls)
1) Mesiolingual 2) Mesiofacial 3) Distofacial 4) Distolingual 5) 5th (Cusp of Carabelli) - The crown outline form is “SOMEWHAT RHOMBOIDAL” exhibiting a distal crown convergence
- Both marginal ridges are PROMINENT
- The oblique ridge form is massive, especially in compared to “Primary Maxillary First Molar”
- Distinct TRANSVERSE RIDGE involving the triangular ridges of the medially-positioned cusps
- MAJOR FOSSAE on the tooth include Mesial triangular fossa & distal triangular fossa
- Distal Oblique groove, when traveling onto the lingual surface is called LINGUAL DEVELOPMENT GROOVE
- Transverse groove of the oblique ridge crosses the oblique ridge & connects the central pit w/ the distal pit
- *Distal View- Primary Mandibular First Molar:
- Cusps visible from what view?
- Facial crown outline ?
- Height of curvature?
- Root visibility ?
- Distal root?
- Development root surface depression?
- All 4 cusps are visible from the distal view
- Facial crown outline displays a lingually positioned distofacial cusp, in comparison to the mesiofacial cusp
- Height of curvature of cervical line is slightly curved
- BOTH roots are VISIBLE from this view
- DISTAL ROOT slightly converges to the APEX
-There is a development root surface depression on the distal
- *What is Ectopic Eruption?
- Where is it usually seen?
- Maxillary lateral incisors are erupted towards?
- Maxillary canines are erupted towards?
- what is transposition?
- Most commonly rotated tooth?
- Condition that is exhibited when a tooth erupts or emerges in the wrong position within the arch
- Usually seen in either a facial or lingual direction
- Maxillary lateral incisors are ectopically erupted toward primarily the lingual side
- Maxillary canines are ectopically erupted primarily toward the facial side
- A tooth that is located in a different position from where it is supposed to be is called TRANSPOSITION, most commonly seen in canines (in maxillary canines more so then mandibular)
- The MOST commonly rotated tooth is the MAXILLARY 2nd PREMOLAR, followed by the Maxillary Incisors & then the Maxillary 1st Premolar
- **What is the Dens-in-Dente? (Maxillary Lateral Incisor)
- Outer enamel ?
- Tissue?
- Forms?
- Why is it a malformation?
- Which tooth?
- AKA dens invaginatus
-The outer enamel surface is folded inward
- Tissue is wrapped like a croissant
- Coronal & radicular forms exist
-A malformation of teeth probably resulting from an infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development
- **What is Dentinogenesis Imperfecta?
- Teeth construct?
- What can these problems affect?
- Radiographically ?
- Causes teeth to be discolored (MOST often BLUE-GRAY or YELLOW-BROWN COLOR) & w/ translucent appearance
- Teeth have a weaker construct than normal teeth, making them prone to degradation & eventual loss.
- Problems can affect BOTH PRIMARY & PERMANENT TEETH
- Radiographically, exhibits a partial or total absence of pulp chambers & root canals
- **Facial Aspect Measurements & Geometry: Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor
- Cervicoincisal length?
- Crown outline ?
- Crown width?
- Cervicoincisal length (10.5mm) is greater than the mesiodistal width (8.5mm) GREATER than the FACIOLINGUAL DEPTH (7.0 mm)
- Crown outline is TRAPEZOIDAL w. the shorter parallel side at cervix
- Crown width at contact areas are GREATER than at cervix
- **Lingual Aspect: Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor
- Cervical outline?
- Lingual fossa?
- Lingual fossa bound by ?
- Lingual fossa is what shape?
- Cingulum is ?
- Greatest curvature lingually of the cingulum & crest of the cervical line gingivally will be?
- Cervical outline of the crown is MORE apically-postioned (away from the incisal) than what is seen on the facial aspect (NOT a semicircle as seen on facial surface)
- Lingual fossa in the incisal one-half of the crown surface is described as a WIDE, SHALLOW “DISH-SHAPED” depression.
- Lingual fossa is bound by the linguinincisal ridge, the medial & distal marginal ridges and the cingulum
- Lingual fossa is TRAPEZOIDAL in SHAPE
- Cingulum is well-developed in the cervical one-half of the crown & often has 2 ridge projections that impinge on the lingual fossa in middle third
- Greatest curvature lingually of the cingulum & the crest of the vertical line gingival will be “SLIGHTLY DISTAL” to the MESIODISTAL long axis bisector of the crown
- ***Lingual Aspect Negative Anatomy: Permanent Maxillary Lateral Incisor
- Lingual fossa shape?
- Lingual fossa occupies the?
- Anatomical features ?
- Cingulum of the maxillary lateral incisor is ?
- Lingual fossa is deep, TRIANGULAR in outline, and also “cup-shaped”
- Lingual fossa occupies the incisal 2/3s of the lingual surface of the crown
- Anatomical features serving as boundaries for the fossa include the linguo-incidal ridge, Mesial & Distal Marginal ridges & the Cingulum
- **Cingulum of the Maxillary Lateral Incisor is LIMITED to the CERVICAL 1/3 of the crown & the medial and distal marginal ridges form a “V” as they flow into the cingulum
***Permanent Maxillary Central & Lateral Incisors:
Comparisons & Contrasts
- Central incisor is LARGER than lateral
- Central incisor is MORE “ANGULAR” than the lateral
- Central incisor has a STRAIGHT ROOT, while the lateral has a root that is CURVED or POINTED to the distal
- Incisal third of the facial surface of the central incisor is FAIRLY FLAT, while the incisal third of the lateral exhibits MORE CONVEXITY
- Central incisor exhibits MINIMAL variation, while the lateral is one of the MOST variable permanent teeth
- Crests of the cingulum on BOTH incisors are offset to the DISTAL
- Central incisor has a “TRAPEZOIDAL” shaped lingual fossa, while the lateral has a TRIANGULAR” shape fossa
- From incisor view, BOTH incisors display CONTACT AREAS that are CENTERED FACIOLINGUALLY
- BOTH incisors, form a proximal view DISPLAY an incisal edge that is centered over the crest of curvature of the CEJ and the main body of their respective roots
-Lingual view, Lateral incisor frequently displays a fissured or carious “lingual” pit, while the Central incisor does NOT
- ***Facial View- Permanent Mandibular Central Incisors
- Crown outline ?
- Incisal edge ?
- Mesial & Distal incisal line angles?
- Distal incisal line?
- Mesial & Distal proximal contacts?
- Incisal wear?
- Incisal one-third of the crown surface?
- Crown outline is TRAPEZOIDAL w/ the LONGER parallel side at incisal edge
- Incisal edge is straight & at a right angel to (or perpendicular) the long axis line of the tooth
-Mesial & distal incisal line angles are both said to be sharp (almost 90 degree angles)
- Distal incisal line angle is SLIGHTLY MORE ROUNDED than the mesial incisal line angle
- Mesial & distal Proximal Contacts are the SAME LEVEL & are within the incisal one-third of the crown
- After incisal wear the proximal contacts may be VERY NEAR the INCISAL EDGE
- Incisal one-third of the crown surface is relatively FLAT
- Cervical 2/3s of the crown surface is CONVEX
- **Incisal View: Permanent Mandibular Lateral Incisors
- Faciolingual measurement ?
- Mesial contact area?
- Incisal ridge will be lingual to the ?
- Incisal ridge slant?
- Crest of cingulum?
- Crown of mandibular lateral incisor?
- Faciolingual measurement is GREATER than the MESIODISTAL
- Mesial contact area is centered faciolingually but the DISTAL PROXIMAL contact will be slightly to the LINGUAL of the Faciolingual bisector
- Incisal ridge will be lingual to the faciolingual bisector of the crown outline in its entirety; Distal END of the ridge will be more TOWARD the LIGUAL than the MESIAL END.
- Incisal ridge will be relatively STRAIGHT but it is NOT straight across the tooth mesiodistally. It SLANTS to the LINGUAL at its DITAL END and is NOT PARALLEL to the faciolingual bisector
- Crest of the cingulum lingually will be slightly distal to the mesiodistal bisector
- Crown of the mandibular lateral incisor from the incisal view is said to look “TWISTED” or “ROTATED” on its axis, NOT at all symmetrical
***Permanent Mandibular Incisor: Comparisons and Contrasts
- CENTRAL incisor is SMALLER than the LATERAL
- Central is SLIGHTLY MORE “ANGULAR” than the Lateral
- BOTH ROOTS have mesial & distal root surface depressions, but the roots are RARELY bifurcated, however LATERAL incisors MORE frequently 2 PULP CANALS
- Incisal edge is straight on the CENTRAL incisor, while the incisal edge of the lateral incisor exhibits a LINGUAL TWIST to the distal portion
- Central incisor exhibits BILATERAL SYMMETERY, while the Lateral incisor exhibits a “TWISTING” slightly on its root base, when viewed form the incisal
- Crests of the cingulum on BOTH incisors are OFFSET SLIGHTLY to the DISTAL
- BOTH incisors have inconspicuous lingual surface anatomy, especially compared to maxillary counterparts
- Contact ares of BOTH incisors are located in the incisal third, but the CENTRAL incisor is said to exhibit LESS incisal embrasure space than LATERAL
- BOTH incisors, from a Proximal view, display an incidal edge that is LINGUALLY positioned compared to the height of CURVATURE of the CEJ & respective root apices
- **Facial View: Permanent Maxillary Canine
- Overall facial crown surface?
- Noticeable development depressions?
- Middle facial lobe?
- Facial ridge extends?
- Facial ridge curves?
- Concavity in the distofacial ?
- Overall facial crown surface = SMOOTH
- 2 noticeable developmental depression deli eating the 3 facial lobes
- The MIDDLE facial lobe is the MOST developed of the 3 facial loves & gives RISE to the cusp TIP
- Facial ridge extends from the cusp tip to Cervical ridge
- Facial ridge CURVES or INCLINES, or is oriented TOWARD the mesial in the middle third of the crown
- Concavity in the distofacial cervical one-third that is also represented by the DISTAL outline of the crown
**Facial View-Permanent Mandibular Canine
- Mesial crown outline is STRAIGHT & CONTINUOS with the MESIAL ROOT OUTLINE
- Cusp tip is SLIGHT MESIAL to the MESIODISTAL bisector
- Mesial cuspal ridge is SHORTER than the distal cuspal ridge
- Cervical line presents w/ a SEMICIRCULAR CURVATURE that cops in apical direction .
***Incisal View-Permanent Mandibular Canine
- How is the maxillary canine similar to mandibular canine shape?
- Faciolingual measurement?
- Crown is bulkier where?
- Just like Maxillary canine, the crown outline is DIAMOND SHAPED
- FACIOLINGUAL measurement is GREATER than the MESIODISTAL dimension
- Crown is BULKIER on the “FACIAL” than the LINGUAL (tapers toward the lingual)
- Crown is BULKIER on the “MESIAL” than on the DISTAL (tapers toward the distal)