Quiz 2 Pattern to Rx Flashcards
Hypochondriac Pain: Blood Stasis
Fu Yuan Huo Xue Tang (UJ)
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (LJ)
Sx: pain fixed and stabbing - worse at night (might be cancer)
ing: FYHXT: dang gui, tao ren, hong hua, shan jia, da huang, tian hua fen, chai hu, gan cao
GXZYT: dang gui, chuan xiong, tao ren, wu ling zhi, mu dan pi, wu yao, yan hu suo, zhi ke
Hypochondriac Pain: Damp Heat in LV/GB
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
-used for 1000 yrs
Sx: acute condition - can be blood stasis or qi stagnation type pain or combo of both.
Damp heat Sx: bitter taste, jaundice, fullness, nausea vomiting, possible dry stools
ing: long dan cao, huang qin, zhi zi, mu tong, che qian zi, ze xie, chai hu, sheng di huang, dang gui, gan cao
Hypochondriac Pain: Insufficiency of LV Yin
Yi Guan Jian
Sx: dull pain, comes and goes, increases w fatigue/over exertion and decreases with relaxation
sheng di huang, gou qi zi, sha shen, mai men dong, dang gui, chuan lian zi
modifications: blurred vision, dizziness add JU HUA.
chuan lian zi is slightly toxic - can sub Mei Gua Hua, Fo Sou or Xiang Yuan to move liver and not dry
Headache: ext Wind Cold
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
wind cold invasion blocking the channels causing stagnation of qi and blood. HA is NOT distending
bo he, chuan xiong, bai zhi, quiang huo, xi xin, jing jie, fang feng, gan cao (Lu Cha - green tea - can lower Bo He amount if using Lu Cha)
Headache: ext Wind Heat
Xiong Zhi Shi Gao Tang
- not in any books!
HA is distending
Chuan Xiong, Bai Zhi, shi gao, Ju hua
modification: add Bo He, more lifting
Headache: ext Wind Damp
Qiang Huo Sheng Shi Tang
HA w heavy sensation - like wet towel binding head
qiang huo, du huo, gao ben, fange feng, chuan xiong, man jing qi, zhi gan cao
Headache: LV Heat
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
HA w emotional stress, irritabiliyt, insomnia
if moving to LV Fire -> mauybe dizzy, flush face, red eyes
tian ma, gou teng, shi jue ming, zhi zi, huang qin, yi mu cao, chuan niu xi, du zhong, sang ji sheng, ye jiao teng, fu shen
modification: sub ze lan for yi mu cao (benefit the mother) if male patient
Headache: KD Def
Da Bu Yuan Jian
HA w empty sensations, ha is very close to Shao Yin HA - may also have dizziness plus DK def sx
ren shen, shan yao, shu di huang, shan zhu yu, dang gui, du zhong, gou qi zi, zhi gan cao
to tonify yuan qi you need to tonify qi, blod, yin, yang, jing - this Rx is not too warming - different approach to KD Yang def.
Headache: KD Def w ext WC
Ma Huang Fu Zi Xi Xin Tang
ha w very thin pulse and KD def Sx
Ma Huang, Fu Zi, Xi XIn *** all herbs banned
tai yang + shao yin combination - common combo pattern
Headache: Blood Deficiency
Si Wu Tang
HA w palpitations and blood def Sx
Shu DI Huang, Bai Shao, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong
modifications: need HA specific herb: Ju Hua to raise to UJ and clear WH; Man Jing Zi - HA esp behind the eyes
Headache: Damp Phlegm
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
HA w heavy sensations
Er Chen Tang plus Tian Ma and Bai Zhu and 3 Amigos: Ban Xia, Tian Ma, Bai Zhu, Ju Hong, Fu Ling, Gan CAl, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao
modification: increase sheng Jiang if vomiting/nausea
Headache: Blood Stasis
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang
HA w stabbing fixed pain - maybe history of trauma to head or tumor
chi shao, chuan xiong, tao ren, hong hua, cong bai, da zao, sheng jiang, (she xiang - no longer used, increase cong bai doseage)
Dizziness and Vertigo: arrogant LV Yang / LV Yang Rising
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Dizziness and Vertigo with HA - worse w emotional stress and anger.
Tian Ma, Gou Teng, Shi Jue Ming, Zhi Zi, Huang Qin, Yi Mu Cao, CHuan Niu Xi, Du ZHong, Sang Ji SHeng, Ye Jiao Teng, Fu Shen
modification: underlying KD/LV def add Du ZHong Sang Ji Sheng
Dizziness and Vertigo: exhaustion of Qi and Blood Deficinecy
Ba Zhen Tang
dizziness vertigo WORSE after exertion - no irritability.
Qi def Sx + Bld Def Sx
Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, Gan Cao +
shu di, bai shao, dang gui, chuan xiong
if INSOMNIA: Gui Pi Tang (Si Jun Zi Tang + Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang + Suan Zao Ren, Long Yan Rou, Yuan Zhi + Mu Xiang)
Dizziness and Vertigo: Insufficiency of LV/KD Yin
Zuo Gui wan
Zuo Gui Yin
You GUi Wan (KD Yang)
Dizziness/Vertigo w KD Def Sx
ZGW: more KD Yin def Sx
Shu Di, shan zhu yu, shan yao, fu ling, gou qi zi, gan cao, tu si zi, lu jiao jiao, gui ban, jiao, chuan niu xi
YGW: more KD Yang def Sx
shu di, shan xhu yu, shan yao, go qi zi, gan cao, du zhong, fu zi, rou gui, tu si zi, dang gui, lu jiao jiao
Dizziness and Vertigo: Phlegm Turbidity
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
dizziness w HA
er chen tang plus Tian Ma, Bai zhu and 3 amigos: ban xia, tian ma, bai zhu, ju hong, fu ling, gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
modification: if coat a little yellow add HUANG LIAN or HUANG QIN (3-6g)
Hypochondriac Pain: LV Qi Stagnation
Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
distending pain - not fixed - worse w stress/emotions
chai hu, xiang fu, chen pi, zhi ke, bai shao, chuan xiong, gan cao
if no hypo pain - only emotional stress, use: XIAO YAO SAN
CHSGT: Si Ni San + qi + blood movers (Xiang Fu, chuan xiong) Si Ni San regulates LV Qi with cold extremities.
Chai Hu + Bai Shao - dui yao to soothe LV
Wind Stroke: Yang Closed Syndrome
Ling Yang Gou Teng Tang
An Gong Niu Huang Wan
Zhi Bao Dan
sudden LOC + falling down. HEAT condition, closed hands, locked jaw, flushed face, coarse breath (phlegm), no urino, constipation (orifices closed)
LYGTT: ling yang jiao, gou teng, sang ye, ju hua, bai shao, sheng di, chuan bei mu, zhu ru, fu shen, gan cao
AGNHW:acute condition, only half herbs still available to use - Niu Huang, she xiang, huang lian, huang qin, zhi zi, xiong huang, bing pian, yu jiu, zhu sha zhen zhu
ZBD: clears heat and opens orifices- Rx now modified to exclude toxic.endangered substances - shui niu jiao, niu huang, dai mao, bing pian, she xiang, an xi xiang, zhu sha, hu po, xiong huang
Wind Stroke: Yin Closed Syndrome
Su He Xiang Wan
Di Tan Tang
sudden LOC + falling down - NO HEAT Sx- hands and feet very cold, phlegm white, incontinence of urine and feces
SHXW: similar to An Gong Niu Huang Wan but with NO heat clearing herbs - used in emergency conditions: su he xiang, she xiang, bing pian, an xi xiang, mu xiang, tan xiang, chen xiang, ru xiang, ding xiang, xiang fu, bi ba, shui niu jiao, zhu sha, bai zhu, he zi
DTT: modification for Su He Xiang Wan - Er Chen Tang + open orifices and qi regulating herbs - ban xia, chan pi, fu ling, zhu ru, shi chang pu, dan nan xing, zhi shi
Wind Stroke: Abandonment Syndrome
Shen Fu Tang + Sheng Mai San
sudden LOC + Falling down - mouth open, no lock jaw, hands open and soft - no tension - def sweat, incontinence. TRUE COLD FALSE HEAT - flush face and cold body - this is severe
ren shen, fu zi , mai men dong, wu wei zi
Wind Stroke: Stroke of the Channels due to Wind Pathogens entering the Emptiness of the Channels
Da Qin Jiao Tang
hemiplegia w numbness, deviated mouth/eyes, slurred speech, phlegm, excess saliva, aversion to cold
qin jiao, gan cao, chuan xiong, dang gui, bai shao, xi xin, qiang huo, fang feng, huang qin, shi gao, bai zhi, bai zhu, sheng di, shu di, fu ling, du huo.
complex condition = complex formula
has Si Wu Tang to nourish blood
Wind Stroke: Deficiency of LVKD Yin w/ Turbulent Wind Yang
LV/KD yin w Sudden LV Yang Rising
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
elderly population - Hemiplegia w dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, insomnia, achy back/knee
Huai Niu Xi, Dai Zhe Shi, Long Gu, Mu Li, Gui Ban, Xuan Shen, Tian Men Dong, Bai Shao, yin chen, chuan lian zi, mai ya, gan cao
very important formula
Wind Stroke: Stroke Sequelae
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Qian Zheng San
Hemiplegia - often wi Qi Def (soft musculature, pale face) + Bld Stasis (pale, purple, deviated tongue) Sx
BYHWT: huang qi, dang gui, chuan xiong, chi shao, tao ren, hong hua, di long
caution: most stroke patients have HTN - moderate Huang Qi Dose if needed - use raw herbs to regulate HQ dose
QZS: bai fu zi, bai jiang can, quan xie - must use powder! Modification: add Huang Qi and Dang Gui to ton qi + bld
Tao Ren and Hong Hua to move bld.
Use heating pad and topical herbs on face
Headache herbs:
Qiang Huo - goes to the Tai Yang
pain along the UB channel, back of the neck but aslo along UB1 and UB2
Bai Zhi - goes to Yang Ming
frontal HA, along ST channel in face
Chai Hu - goes to Shao Yang
temporal headache along GB channel
Ge Gen - goes to Tai Yin
headache with a heavey (damp) sensation + digestive deficiency and deficiency cold condition
Xi Xin - goes to Shao Yin
cold sensation plus KD deficiency signs
Wu Zhu Yu - goes to Jue Yin
more vertex pain
Atrophy: LU Heat
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
Sx: fever, chills w sudden limb weakness and dry Sx from LU lobes being wilted.
Sang Ye Shi Gao Mai Men Dong E Jiao Hei Zhi Ma XIng Ren Pi Pa Ye Ren Shen Gan Cao
Modification: add CHuan Bei Mu for Phlegm
pattern can move deeper to cause LV/KD Deficiency
Atrophy: Damp Heat
Er Miao San
Sx: atrophy more severe in lower legs/ankles with heavy body, swelling limbs, numbness, heat sensation, fever, scanty urine
Huang Bai
Cang Zhu
modifications: chuan Niu Xi - San Miao San for leg edema
above plus Yi Yi Ren - Si Miao San - for Damp
Mu Gua for numbness
Mu Tong, or Ze Xie to promote urination
Hua Shi for summer heat, heart heat Sx
Atrophy: SP/ST Def
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang or Shen Ling Bai Du San
Sx: Atrophy with muscle shrinkage - almost no muscle and Qi Def Sx.
to lift the QI: BZYQT
huang qi, ren shen, bai zhu, gan cao, dang gui, chen pi, sheng ma, chai hu
to support the muscles: SLBDS
ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, gan cao (si jun zi tang) +
shan yao, lian zi, bai bian dou, yi yi ren (edibles to ton SP) +
jie geng, sha ren, chen pi
Atrophy: KD/LV Def
Hu Qian Wan
Sx: weak legs, double vision, ptosis, difficulty swallowing and other KD/LV def Sx
huang bai, zhi mu, shu di, gui ban, bai shao, hu gu, shuo yang, gan jiang, chen pi
Rx still used as pill form - modified
Diarrhea: Damp Cold
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San
Sx: Diarrhea w abdo pain, borborygmous, fullness
huo xiang, hou po, chen pi, zi su ye, bai zhi, ban xia, da fu pi, bai zhu
works on 2 levels: WC invasion and Dampness
modifications: add herbs to clear heat bc damp stag can turn into heat. Huang Lian or Huang Qin
Diarrhea: Damp Heat
Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian tang
- common in hot/tropical weather - Shan Hang Lu Rx, still used
Sx: Diarrhea w abdo pain, tenesmus, heat Sx
ge gen, huang qin, haung lian, gan cao
Modification: need to add eliminate damp herbs: Ze Xie or Fu Ling to promo urino
Diarrhea: Damp Heat with more damp than heat
Ping Wei San
- song dynasty 1000 yo, still used
- can cause constipation if used too long
cang zhu, hou po, chen pi, gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
vs Er Chen Tang - ECT is more upper jiao, PWS is more damp in MJ
Diarrhea: Food Stagnation
Bao He Wan
diarrhea w fullness, bad breath, smelly stool (rotten food smell) - no appetite and history of overeating
shan zha, shen qu, lai fu zi, mai yua, chen pi, ban xia, fu ling, lian qiao
need to move accumulation not astringe diarrhea
Diarrhea: Food Stagnation with Damp heat
Zhi Shi Dao Zhi Wan
still more damp than heat (if mostly damp heat - use Ge Gen Huang Lian Tang)
da huang, ze xie, fu ling, shen qu, bai zhu, zhi shi, haung qin, huang lian
Diarrhea: LV Qi Invading the SP
Tong Xie Yao Fang
- pain diarrhea important formula
LV Qi stagnation - worse w emotional stress
bai zhu, bai shao, chen pi, fang feng
ton sp, soothe lv, reg qi, lift clear qi
Diarrhea: SP Qi Deficiency
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
diarrhea + sp qi def sx
ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, gan cao (si jun zi tang)
shan yao, bai bian dou, liand zi, yi yi ren (foods to ton sp)
sha ren , jie geng, chen pi (move and regulate qi)
if more COLD Sx, pattern moving from SP Xu to Yang Xu: use Li Zhong Wan or Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
if sinking syndrome/prolapse: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang
Diarrhea: KD Yang Def
Si Shen Wan plus Li Zhong Wan
chronic diarrhea - early morning or upon waking
not useful diarrhea (like food stag diarrhea) - need to astringe
bu gu zhi, wu zhu yu, rou dou kou, wu wei zi, sheng jiang, da cao (Si Shen Wan)
Gan Jiang, Ren Shen, Bai ZHu, Gan Cao (Li Zhong Wan
no classic Rx
complex pattern: Bld Stasis + Wind or
LV Stag + Wind or
Tian Ma, Chuan Xiong, Bai Zhi, Gao Ben
Quan Xue/Di Long if severe
Long Dan Cao/Zhi Zi/Huang Qin if heat