Quiz 2: Mouth and Throat Flashcards
Mucocele or Angular Chelitis?
A. Soft cyst, clear or bluish bubble 1-2cm, rubbery, mucin filled cavity, most not painful
B. Deep cracks at labial commissure, often bilateral
C. Etio: candida, dentures, allergy to denture materials, deficiency of B2, B12
D. Commonly from biting lip, trauma
Angular Chelitis
Angular Chelitis
Oral SCC, Melanoma, or Fordyce’s Spots?
A. Benign neoplasms (growths) from sebaceous glands
B. Pigmented lesions
C. Multiple white to yellow 1-2 mm papules, often cluster
D. Growing out or ulcerated, indurated w rolled border
A. Fordyce’s Spots
B. Melanoma
C. Fordyce’s Spots
D. Oral SCC
Oral SCC, Melanoma, or Fordyce’s Spots?
A. Most on floor of mouth or ventral/lateral tongue, cheek
B. Early usu painless, ulcerated usu painful
C. Most common 20-30 yo, M=F
D. 90% are smokers, alcohol is also risk factor
A. Oral SCC
B. Oral SCC
C. Fordyce’s Spots
D. Oral SCC
3 DDx for aphthous ulcers
Secondary herpetic ulceration - history of vesicles preceeding ulcers, a location on periosteum-bound mucosa and crops of lesions
Trauma, pemphigous vulgaris, cicatricial pemphigoid
Systemic disorders: Crohn’s neutropenia, sprue
2 features of Oral Erythema Multiforme
Hypersensitivity rxn to HSV, other organisms, drugs, or ?
Bullae that rupture –> raw painful friable surfaces then form crusts with red base
Target lesions
2 features of Chancre
Lesions - painless ulcerations formed during primary stage of syphilis (21 days after exposure)
Form on lips, tongue, anus, penis, vagina
Indurated border, single lesion,
Tender cervical LA
2 features of Frictional hyperkeratosis
Caused by chronic friction
Hyperkeratotic white lesion
Leads to white line - linea alba
2 features of Epulis Fissura
Denture hyperplasia
Painless folds of fibrous connective tissue around denture
2 features of Irritation Fibroma
Most common benign oral soft tissue neoplasm
Soft lesion from chronic irritation
Painless, lighter in color
2 features of Angioedema
Rapid onset, Allergic response
Urticaria (itchy raised bumps), hand swelling
Painless, non-pruritic (if non-allergic), non-pitting, may progress to complete airway obstruction
2 features of Palatal or Mandibular Torus
Non-neoplastic, slowly growing nodular protuberance of bone on palate or mandible
F>M 2:1 peak occurance at 30 yo
2 features of Hemangioma
Proliferation of blood vessels, often congenital
Flat or raised lesions with deep red or bluish-red color
Can undergo ulceration and secondary infx
2 features of Varicosities
Tortuous veins in the oral cavity are attributed to increased hydrostatic pressure
Ventral surface of tongue
Blue veins, blanche when compressed
2 features of Papilloma
ASx well-circumscribed usu. pedunculated benign growths with numerous small finger like projections
Usu. < 1 cm diam and solitary
2 features of Lipoma
Painless, benign, slow-growing mass of adipose tissue (cheek, tongue)
Yellow, non-tender, rubbery/soft, mobile
Hereditary component