Quiz 10 Flashcards
Howell Jolly bodies and hypersegmented PMNs
Macrocytic anemia
Low Iron, low ferritin, high TIBC
Iron deficiency anemia
Sx of iron deficiency anemia
Sx: HA, irritability, loss of stamina, increased pallor, difficult concentration
Severe deficiencies – pica, glossitis, cheilosis, concave nails, increased heart rate, dyspnea, restless leg syndrome, glossal pain, reduced salivary flow leading to dry mouth,
Labs for Iron Deficiency Anemia
Stool blood
Iron Absorption
Iron, TIBC, ferritin
Labs for Sideroblastic Anemia
Iron Ferritin
BM biopsy
Lead screen
Labs for Anemia of Chronic Dz
Iron, Ferritin, Transferrin
EPO Epogen
Target cells, stippling, polychromatophilic, erythroid hyperplasia in BM.
High iron, ferritin, transferrin
Sideroblastic anemia
Microcytic, hypochromic
Bone marrow responsiveness to erythropoietin is mediated by inflammatory cytokines
Anemia of chronic dz
Causes of anemia of chronic dz
• Causes: infectious, inflammatory, neoplastic disease, severe trauma, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, anemia of the elderly, and acute or chronic immune activation
Labs for Hypoproliferative Anemia
Creatinine clearance
BM biopsy
Low marrow activity due to lack of EPO or inability of marrow to respond to it
Hypoproliferative Anemia
Pancytopenia of all cell lines
Aplastic/Hypoplastic anemia
Thrombocytopenia: ecchymosis, petechiae, bleeding from gums, ocular fundi
Aplastic/Hypoplastic anemia
Causes: Chemical exposure: drugs, pesticides, industrial chemicals, benzenes, anti-cancer agents (unknown mechanisms). Infections such as Parvo-B19, HIV
Aplastic/Hypoplastic anemia
Labs for Aplastic Anemia
BM aspiration (Acellular bone marrow)
Marrow is replaced by a tumor, granuloma, lipid storage diseases, or fibrosis
Myelophthisic anemia