Quiz#2-Microbial Eukaryotes Flashcards
a convenience term defining all other eukaryotes that don’t fall under category of plants, fungi, or animals. However there are various lineages of these unicellular(some multicelllar) protists that may or may not be related to each other.
hairlike organelles that beat in coordinated fashion to move cell forward or backward. some may change direction rapidly to respond to their environment.
long whip-like attachment that propels cells some move the cell forward and some move it back, eukaryotic different to that in prokaryotes
the ability to engulf and digest other cells
endosymbiosis theory
proposed that certain organelles were engulfed but not digested by ancient prokaryotic cells(eg.mitochondrion & chloroplast)
organelle in eukaryotic cell that was formed from a crucial endosymbiotic event. it is said t have evolved from the engulfing of a proetobacterium. Its function is helping in the formation of ATP in cellular respiration.
pigment used in photosynthesis. this organelle was also a result of and endosymbiotic event where a cynobacterium was engulfed by a larger eukayotic cell.(process known as primary symbiosis)
primary endosymbiotant
process where a eukaryote engulfed a prokayotic cell such as cyanobacteria…(which then became chloroplast)..first it was engulfed then it became a plastid and further evolved into an organelle…the cells are independent of each other in a way since if one dies the other may still live
secondary endosymbiosis
process where a eukaryote cell engulfed another eukaryotic cell already containing a chloroplast.(so had undergone primary endosymbiosis)..the cells beome dependent of each other
single celled organisms charactereized by their irregular shape and may have amoeboid motion due to their cillia or flagella
are the false feet that act as temporary extensions of the constantly changing cell shapes(amoeba)
contractile vacuoles
(contained in freshwater organisms) they are specialized vacuoles that expel excess water that is taken in through osmosis.
digestive vacuoles
intracellular vacuole where lysosomal enzymes are discharged and in which food is digested
photosynthetic members of the plankton that provide a gateway of energy from the sun to other organisms…they are primary producers that are consumed by other heterotrophs.
an organism that causes disease
a close prolonged relation btw two or more organisms that may or may not benefit from the relationship(ex–parasitism or mutualism)
`asexual reproduction
reproduction(cell division) that occurs without a second organism, and therefore absence of a different genetic material. creates identical daughter cells.all the nuclei are copied before the cell divides
sexual reproduction
reproduction involving the union of gametes, so there is equal combination of genes
Asexual–the outgrowth of a new cell from the surface of an old one
multiple fission
Asexual–splitting of one cell into multiple(more than 2) cells
Asexual–formation of specialized cells that are capable of developing into new organisms,
an organism capable of producing their own energy and from inorganic compounds, water, and some energy source(sun)—-are the producers
organism that requires preformed organic molecules as food—-are the consumers
alternation of generations
life cycle of multicellular protists, land plants, and some fungi..where a multicellular, diploid, spore-producing organism gives rise to a haploid gamete producing organism.that undergoes mitosis to become gametes that then fertilize and make a diplod organism that can then undergo meiosis and start the cycle again
(Usually the two generations differ genetically..)alternation of generation in which the two generations(spore producing-2n and gamete producing-n).differ morphologically.
alternation of gen in which the generations are the same regardless of the diff in generations
haplontic life cycle
cycle in which the multicellular haploid organism produces gametes and a zygote is only diploid
diplontic life cycle
cycle in which meiosis produces gametes directly which then fuse and give a diploid zygote…alll cells are diploid except gametes
how well resolved is the overall phylogeny of the eukaryotes?
the phylogeny remains a subject of research and debate, since it is also affected by LGT since theeukaryotic genome becomes a mixture of genes with different origins
major ways that microbial eukaryotes obtain their energy and carbon.How do they move around?
Autotrophs provide energy to consumers such as heterotrophs
how do we test for endosymbiosis? understand use of phylogenetic trees for studing endosymbiosis.
mitochondria was an endosymbiont because they are so similar to bacteria in the membrane, they have their own plastid-DNA, and reproduce similarly .DNA sequencing and phylogenetic trees help see the similarities between diff organisms and how long ago the lineages split depending on how closely related the organisms are.
what are the effects of protists on other organisms and ecosystems?
.protist may be both beneficila dnd pathogenic.1) they are constituents pf the plankton which is a major photosynthetic organisms that helps keep the food web going,,,they are a major source of global photosynthesis2) they may be endosymbionts that live within other animals or other protists providing sources of energy..such as the corals need of dinoflagellates..3)they may be deadly pathogens such as those causing malaria,,,red tides-killing fish…possibly increasing global warming due to development of coating on water surface that keeps co2 dissolved in water.3) they are a source of petroleum and natural gas,4) form sand beaches
what is the diff btw the diff types of asexual reproduction?
There is multiple fission.budding,spores.
what are the diff types of life cycles associated with sexual reproduction?
conjugation is a sexual process in which two paramecia line up, exchange haploid micronuclei that fuse to form diplod micronuclei….but as said it may be independent of reproduction..to where it is only a process of genetic recombination.2)alternation of generations where both diploid and haploid undergoe mitosis..3)protists requiring two hosts to reproduce sexually..where the zygote formation takes place in the insect host