Quiz 2 Lecture 4 Flashcards
What two big issues is phosphorus linked to?
Cyanobacteria blooms
What are the forms of phosphorus?
Dissolved plus particulate and can be organic/inorganic
What are the three diff types of phosphorus in the cycle?
Soluble Reactive phosphorus (SRP)
- involves both Orthophosphate (PO43-) (MAIN)= Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (DIP)
and Dissolved Organic Phosphorus (DOP)
Algae can uptake
Particulate organic phosphorus
Particulate inorganic phosphorus
Where is particulate organic phosphorus coming from?
living/dead organisms
Where is particulate inorganic carbon bound?
most bound to clay minerals
How is most of the phosphorus trapped?
in particle form in living organisms
What is the ratios of SRP, POP, PIP?
How does external loading happen in a system? What forms enter?
phosphate will enter aqautic system from rocks and decomp of organic matter as runoff, some atmospheric deposits. Particulate P in organic detritus and PO4
How does internal loading of phosphorus occur?
Lake sediments, and some decaying organic matter
Is there more phos in the sediments or overlying water?
in the sediments
How much phos do interstitial waters contain?
waters around sediment contain 0.06-10 mg P/L
What conditions are vital to see internal loading of phosphorus from sediment?
conditions at the sediment-water interface
What’s the diff between anoxic sediments and oxygenated sediments in terms of phosphorus release? Why?
anoxic relase P 1000 =x faster. This is because in oxygenated sediments phos will ppt with iron and trap the phos in sediments, but in anoxic ones the FePO4 reduces to give more free phos in water column
How do inorganic sediments (internal loading) result in more or less PO4?
in anoxic conditions relases Po4, but if O2, Fe, or Ca will trap
With organic sediments (internal loading) how does that lead to PO4 loading?
the organic sediment decay
How does phosphorus behave in spring (lake mixing)?
the sediment-water interface will be oxygenated so less PO4 and mixing in water column
How does phosphorus behave in summer (stratified)?
Now have diff layers of water, hypolimnion gets depleted of oxygen, get anoxic sediments and see more phosphorus released
How does phosphorus behave in FALL(lake mixing)?
phosphorus prior relased, and then phosphorus stuck in hypolimnion gets distributed throughout water column.
What are the three mechanisms for algae to overcome phosphorus limitation?
Luxury consumption
Ability to use P at low levels
Phosphatase production