Quiz 2: CBC Flashcards
Hematopoietic stem cells reside in?
Bone marrow
How many erythrocytes are produced every hour?
How many leukocytes are produced every hour?
Hematopoietic stem cells and can differentiate into all # lineages?
What are the 10 cell lineages?
erythrocytes, platelets, neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells
Thrombocytes aka
Can disorder that decreases RBCs can result in:
iron deficiency
What are signs of anemia?
fatigue, light headed, pale, brusing, conjunctival pallor
What is the most common type of anemia?
Iron-deficiency anemia
Vitamin-deficiency anemia
low levels of vitamin B12 or folate from poor diet
Vitamin B12 and B9 (folic acid) are required for?
Aplastic anemia
body stops erythropoisis
Hemolytic anemia
Destruction of RBCs resulting from multiple causes
Anemia of chronic disease:
occurs in the presence of multiple chronic conditions, results from decreased RBC production by bone marrow, chronic inflammatory and neoplastic states that impair RBC production
Sideroblastic anemia:
bone marrow produces abnormal RBCs which prevent iron form being incorporated into in hemoglobin
body produces abnormal alpha or beta chain of hemoglobin, genetic cause, more common in certain ethnic groups
What is the most important/most ordered blood test?
Name five types of WBC?
monocyte, eosinophil, basophil, lymphocytes, neutrophil
WBC normal:
4.5-11.0 x 10^3/uL
WBC count includes:
all WBCs together
WBC aka
Word for elevated WBC count
Word for decreased WBC count
WBC commonly increased in: (leukocytosis)
infections (mostly bacterial), corticosteroids, smokers
Conditions resulting in leukopenia:
infections (viral, parasitic, some bacterial), decreased production (bone marrow malignancy or defect, chemotherapy, nutritional deficiency–B12, folate), radiation treatment for cancer, benign ethnic leukopenia, alcohol abuse, poor nutrition, gastric bypass (impaired folic acid absorption)
The majority of mature WBCs are?
neutrophils (60%)
An increase or decrease in total WBC count is usually a reflection of change in?
neutrophil count
Leukocytosis is often called
Leukopenia is often called
Leukocytosis AKA
formula for absolute neutrophil count:
Total WBC count x % neutrophils
Neutrophils normal %
50-70% of WBCs
Normal absolute neutrophil:
1.8-7.8 x 10^3/uL
Neutrophils come in two forms:
band neutrophils, segmented neutrophils
Band neutrophils:
less mature nucleus
Segmented neutrophils:
mature nucleus
Left shift:
there is a higher predominance of immature neutrophils present on a particular CBC
When does a left shift normally occur?
infection or inflammatory response
Severe neutropenia values:
500 (0.5 x 10^3)
Pts with severe neutropenia are at risk for:
overhwhelming and life threatening bacterial infection
Moderate neutropenia:
Mild neutropenia:
Three types of lymphocytes:
T cells, B cells, and natural killer (NK) cells
What is the function of lymphocytes?
form immunity against foreign proteins and pathogens
Natural killer cells are involved in:
destruction of tumor and virally infected cells
Lymphocyte %
Absolute lymphocyte count:
1.8-4.8 x 10^3/uL
Lymphocyte levels are naturally higher in:
infants and young children
Absolute lymphocyte calculation:
Total WBC x % lymphs
Word for increased lymphocytes
Word for decreased lymphocytes
Word for immature lymphocyte:
Lymphocytosis occurs in infection, predominately:
Viral, less commonly bacterial
Viral infections associated with lymphocytosis:
mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus, primary HIV infection, viral pneumonia, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella
Bacterial infections associated with lymphocytosis:
Pertussis, Bartonella
Lymphocytopenia conditions:
bacterial/fungal sepsis, postoperative state, chemotherapy/radiation, malignancy, corticosteroids or immunosuppressant medication
Monocyte is the precursor of the:
The function of the monocyte
help removed dead or damaged tissue by evolving into macrophages and removing cellular debris