quiz 2 Flashcards
phase 3, 4, and 5
Phase III
What is Phase 3?
lecture 3
educational & ecological assessment
Phase III
What are the influential factors of Phase 3 ?
lecture 3
- predisposing factors
- reinforcing factors
- enabling factors
has to do with behavior
Phase III
What is the goal for Phase 3?
lecture 3
to identify the educational and ecological factors which have the greatest potential to promote behavioral and environmental change
Phase III - Predisposing
What are predisposing factors?
lecture 3
knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, or self-efficacy that exist prior to the engagement of a health-related behavior
these factors predispose an individual to do/not do certain behaviors
Phase III - Reinforcing
What are reinforcing factors?
lecture 3
physical, social and emotional responses of referent others (those around us) / institutions which reward the continued engagement in a behavior
engaging in a behavior bc it makes you feel good
Phase III - Enabling
What are enabling factors?
lecture 3
internal and external conditions directly related to the issue that help people adopt and maintain healthy or unhealthy behavior and lifestyles
characteristics of the environment that facilitate action
Phase IV
What is Phase 4?
lecture 4
administrative and policy assessment and intervention alignment
Phase IV
What are administrative objectives?
lecture 4
used to help stay on track
- specific
- measurable (documenting)
- achievable
- relevant
- time bound
Phase IV
What is an intervention?
lecture 4
how planners attempt to achieve the stated outcomes or goals
- generally consisting of a combination of different activities
goal: may be to increase knowledge, change behavior, influence or change policy, etc.
Phase IV
How do activities help?
lecture 4
they are developed to help the target population achieve program objectives and ultimately the program goal
Phase IV: Activities
communication activities
lecture 4
seek to convey message
- handouts
- brochures
- media
- ads
Phase IV: Activities
educational activities
lecture 4
seek to increase knowledge
Phase IV: Activities
behavior modification activities
lecture 4
seek to change behavior
Phase IV: Activities
environmental change activities
lecture 4
seek to alter or change environment
Phase IV: Activities
regulatory activities
lecture 4
implementing laws, policy, ordinances, regulations, etc.
Phase IV: Activities
community advocacy activities
lecture 4
involving community members to influence social change
Phase IV: Activities
organization/culture activities
lecture 4
changing environment inside an organization
Phase IV: Activities
incentive and disincentive activities
lecture 4
seek to influence health outcomes
Phase IV: Activities
health status evaluation activities
lecture 4
seek to increase awareness of individual’s health
Phase IV: Activities
social activities
lecture 4
seek to create social support systems for behavior change
Phase IV: Activities
technology-delivered activities
lecture 4
using technology to deliver education
Phase IV
What are some strategies to increase knowledge?
lecture 4
- chunking
- advanced organizers
- associated imagery
- cues
- tailoring
- facilitated discussion
- active learning
Phase IV
define chunking
lecture 4
taking information and chunking them together to help remember better
Phase IV
define associated imagery
lecture 4
mental pictures to connect with the information you are trying to learn
Phase IV
What are some strategies to change attitudes?
lecture 4
self-reevaluation: urge them to think about how life can be improved if they change health behavior
environmental reevaluation: how does the environment around the individual affect action
arguments: promoting behavior change by highlighting the negatives and promoting the positives
Phase IV
What are some strategies to change social influence?
lecture 4
- making peer expectations known to the target populaton
- build resistance to the social pressure to engage in the risk behavior by increasing motivation to comply with positive social pressure
- attempt to shift focus away from the risk behavior
Phase IV
What are some strategies to build skill and self-efficacy?
lecture 4
- break behavior into a series of tasks
- teach each task as a separate skill
- take small steps in successive increments
- include feedback, reinforcement and correction in each practice session
Phase IV
What should you keep in mind in regards to the activities, strategies and methods?
lecture 4
- use existing material
- tailor your intervention to the characteristics of your group
(cultural appropiateness, translation of materials, etc.) - how? Gatekeepers
(will increase acceptance of the intervention by target population and increase efficacy in intervention)
Phase V
What is Phase 5
lecture 4
Phase V
What does implementation mean?
lecture 4
acting on the plan!
just doing it!