quiz 2 Flashcards
olfactory, exit/ent. from cerebrum, no autonomic function, sensory function: smell
cranial nerve I
optic, ent./exit from thalamus, no autonomic function, sensory function: vision
cranial nerve II
oculomotor, ent./exit: midbrain, autonomic function: constricts pupils, motor function: eye movement, down and in
cranial nerve III
trochlear, exit: midbrain, no autonomic function, motor function: eye movement up and out
cranial nerve IV
trigeminal, ent./exit: midbrain, pons, medulla
no autonomic function, sensory function: from face and head, motor function: chewing
cranial nerve V
abducens, exit: pons and medulla, no autonomic function, m motor function: eye movement laterally
cranial nerve VI
facial, exit/ent.: medulla, autonomic function: crying, accommodation, salivation
sensory function: taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)
motor function: face movement
cranial nerve VII
ent. medulla
no autonomic function
sensory function: hearing/balance
cranial nerve VIII
ent. medulla
autonomic function: salivation
sensory: taste (anterior back 1/3 of tongue)
motor: pharynx/speech
cranial nerve IX
exit/ent.- medulla
autonomic function: heart, viscera, blood vessels
sensory: taste (pharynx and epiglottis)
motor: swallowing, pharynx, speech
cranial nerve X
spinal accessory
exit, medulla
no autonomic function
motor: neck, muscles, speech
cranial nerve XI
exit: medulla
no autonomic function
motor function: tongue movement
cranial nerve XII
1 pair, end of spinal cord
5 pairs, end of spinal cord
5 pairs, positioned in loin (trunk)
12 pairs, positioned in chest
8 pairs, positioned in neck
sensory and motor activities
connectors found within CNS
distributed to skeletal muscles
adjusts between external environment and the organism
somatic nervous system
motor system only
many synapses/ganglia outside of CNS
acts as a whole
distributed to smooth/cardiac muscle
concerned with internal adjustments
autonomic nervous system
mobilizes bodily resources, fight or flight, contains preganglionic and postganglionic fibers, sympathetic chain, white ramus, gray ramus
sympathetic nervous system
goes from spinal cord (lateral horn) to sympathetic chain, relatively short, secretes acetylcholine
preganglionic fibers from the cross section through a lumbar part of spinal cord
goes from sympathetic chain to organ to be innervated, relatively long, secretes norepinephrine
postganglionic fibers from the cross section through a lumbar part of spinal cord
composed of 22 sympathetic ganglia
sympathetic chain
consists of axons of preganglionic fibers (which are myelinated) from the point where they leave the ventral root to the point where they enter the sympathetic chain
white ramus
axons of postganglionic fibers (unmyelinated) from the point where they leave the sympathetic chain to the point where they enter the ventral root
gray ramus
places of exit from CNS: brain and sacral region of spinal cord (craniosacral nervous system)
functions: conservation and storage of bodily resources, active after eating
contains preganglionic and postganglionic fibers,
parasympathetic nervous system
goes form brain or spinal cord (lateral horn) to a collateral ganglion, relatively long, secretes acetylcholine
preganglionic fiber from parasympathetic nervous system
goes from collateral ganglion to the organ to be innervated, relatively short, secretes acetylcholine
postganglionic fiber from parasympathetic nervous system
causes heart to beat faster, constricts surface arteries and raises blood pressure, dilates blood vessels to skeletal muscles, speeds clotting
sympathetic NS effects on circulatory system
causes heart rate to slow
inhibits constriction of surface arteries and lowers blood pressure
parasympathetic NS effects on circulatory system
facilitates breathing by dilating bronchioles
effects of sympathetic NS on respiratory system
slows breathing by constricting bronchioles
effects of parasympathetic NS on respiratory system
inhibits peristalsis of stomach and small intestine, inhibits gastric secretion, inhibits secretion of saliva
effects of sympathetic NS on digestive system
digestive: facilitates peristalsis of stomach and small intestine, facilitates gastric secretion, facilitates secretion of saliva
effects of parasympathetic NS on digestive system
urinary genital:
inhibits action of bladder (relaxing muscle wall), vasoconstriction in kidney leading to decreased urine, contracts uterus
effects of sympathetic NS on urinary genital
urinary genital:
facilitates action of bladder (muscle wall contracted), vasodilation in kidney leading to increased urine flow, relaxes uterus
effects of parasympathetic NS on urinary genital
dilates pupil
effects of parasympathetic NS on eye
eye: constricts pupil
effects of parasympathetic NS on eye
adrenal gland:
stimulates secretion
effects of sympathetic NS on adrenal gland
sweat glands:
secretion augmented
effects of sympathetic NS on sweat glands
pilomotor respond (goose bumps)
effects of sympathetic NS on hair
liver: secretes glucose, changes glycogen into glucose
effects of sympathetic NS on the liver
spleen: constricts and gives off red blood cells
effects of sympathetic NS on the spleen
contains gray matter, white matter, dorsal fissure, ventral fissure
conducts impulses to and from brain, regulates reflexes
spinal cord
conductions paths or tracts, divided into 3 types of columns
white matter
place where fibers cross from one side of spinal cord to the other side
gray commisure
between dorsal horn and dorsal fissure
dorsal columns
between dorsal horn and ventral horn
lateral columns
between ventral horn and ventral fissure
ventral columns
found in lateral area of white matter, short tracts and connect different levels of the spinal cord
ground bundles/ intersegmental tracts
first: place it originates, second: places where it terminates
ex. spinothalamic tract
inconventional nomenclature
the ____ ____ of the spinal nerve receives input from receptor
dorsal root
the ____ ____ of the spinal nerve sends output to effectors
ventral root
just before entering vertebral column, the spinal nerves. divide into ____ roots
dorsal root is ____ in function
ventral root is ____ in function
___ ___ ___ is a marked swelling on each dorsal root that contains the cell bodies of the sensory fibers (unipolar neurons)
dorsal root ganglion
the spinal cord contains the cell bodies of the motor functions, which are also known as
multipolar neurons