quiz 2 Flashcards
olfactory, exit/ent. from cerebrum, no autonomic function, sensory function: smell
cranial nerve I
optic, ent./exit from thalamus, no autonomic function, sensory function: vision
cranial nerve II
oculomotor, ent./exit: midbrain, autonomic function: constricts pupils, motor function: eye movement, down and in
cranial nerve III
trochlear, exit: midbrain, no autonomic function, motor function: eye movement up and out
cranial nerve IV
trigeminal, ent./exit: midbrain, pons, medulla
no autonomic function, sensory function: from face and head, motor function: chewing
cranial nerve V
abducens, exit: pons and medulla, no autonomic function, m motor function: eye movement laterally
cranial nerve VI
facial, exit/ent.: medulla, autonomic function: crying, accommodation, salivation
sensory function: taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue)
motor function: face movement
cranial nerve VII
ent. medulla
no autonomic function
sensory function: hearing/balance
cranial nerve VIII
ent. medulla
autonomic function: salivation
sensory: taste (anterior back 1/3 of tongue)
motor: pharynx/speech
cranial nerve IX
exit/ent.- medulla
autonomic function: heart, viscera, blood vessels
sensory: taste (pharynx and epiglottis)
motor: swallowing, pharynx, speech
cranial nerve X
spinal accessory
exit, medulla
no autonomic function
motor: neck, muscles, speech
cranial nerve XI
exit: medulla
no autonomic function
motor function: tongue movement
cranial nerve XII
1 pair, end of spinal cord
5 pairs, end of spinal cord
5 pairs, positioned in loin (trunk)
12 pairs, positioned in chest
8 pairs, positioned in neck
sensory and motor activities
connectors found within CNS
distributed to skeletal muscles
adjusts between external environment and the organism
somatic nervous system
motor system only
many synapses/ganglia outside of CNS
acts as a whole
distributed to smooth/cardiac muscle
concerned with internal adjustments
autonomic nervous system
mobilizes bodily resources, fight or flight, contains preganglionic and postganglionic fibers, sympathetic chain, white ramus, gray ramus
sympathetic nervous system
goes from spinal cord (lateral horn) to sympathetic chain, relatively short, secretes acetylcholine
preganglionic fibers from the cross section through a lumbar part of spinal cord
goes from sympathetic chain to organ to be innervated, relatively long, secretes norepinephrine
postganglionic fibers from the cross section through a lumbar part of spinal cord
composed of 22 sympathetic ganglia
sympathetic chain