Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is the mustard family and what are some of the defining characteristics?
Leaves are generally alternate, no stipules, simple and pinnately lobed
Infloresence is a raceme
4 petalled flowers
Seeds are borne in short, round pods (silicles) or long slender pods (siliques)
Shepard’s Purse
- Capsella bursa-pastoris
- Annual
- silicle is heart shaped and two celled
- (stem at the bottom of the heart)
little bittercress
- Cardamine oligosperma
- annual/bienniel
- seeds propelled from silique
- all over your yard in PDX
hoary cress
- Cardaria draba
- perennial, creeping roots
- fruit is a heart shaped silicle (stem between bumps)
- dried or picture on quiz
perennial pepperweed
*Lepidium latifoliam *
white veins in rosette
if on quiz, picture
OR class B noxious weed
wild radish
Raphanus sativus
flowers are white to light purple and distinctly veined
sharp tipped, pithy silques
What is the carnation family?
What are some distinguishing characteristics?
- Caryophyllaceae
- leaves are opposite and entire. Stems swollen at nodes (often)
- fruits are bladders
- 5 flower petals are deeply notched, can look like 10 smaller petals
- inflorescence in cymes
mouseear chickweed
Cerastium vulgatum
leaves are densely hairy
deeply notched flower petals
hairy stem
not prostrate like common chickweed
common chickweed
*Stellaria media *
nearly prostrate growth
non-hairy leaves
western pearlwort
Sagina occidentalis
5 very small white sepals on petals
fruit: capsule
fine leaves
grows very prostrate
What is the goosefoot family and what are some characteristics?
stems are grooved or angular, often with red or light green striations
small green inconspicuous flowers, no bracts, 0-5 sepals
leaves are “goosefoot” shaped, usually alternate, and simple
common lambsquarters
Chenopodium album
alternate leaves
upper leaves are long and narrow, lower leaves are wavy and lobed
stems often, but not always, have purple blotches
*Kochia scoparia *
leaves are alternated, lance shaped
plants are pyramid shaped
stem often red tinged
Oregon Class B Noxious weed
Russian thistle
Salsola iberica
true tumbleweed
stem red or purple
leaves are alternate, short and scale like with a stiff spine on tip
flowers have a pair of spiny bracts