Final Review Flashcards
What is a weed?
A weed is a plant that interferes with the growth of desirable plants, is persistent and negatively affects human activity .
Why is weed science a broad discipline?
Weeds create problems in many or most environments. It’s the study of the interference of these plants in human activity. It’s not just agronomic crops anymore, it’s in managed and natural ecosystems.
Negative impacts of weeds
- Decrease quality/quantity of crops
- increase production costs
- human health and allergies
- decrease land value
- reduce water quality
- recreation value
- livestock poisoning
- decrease biodiversity
name a significant wetland weed
Purple loosestrife
significant terrestrial weed
name one significant parasitic weed
what are several growth traits that are common to weeds?
- propagules can germinate in many enviroments
- discontinuous germination
- rapid growth
- ability to compete interspecifically
- well adapted to disturbance
- co adapted with crops
- -herbicide resistance
- -growth habits (prostrate)
- -crop mimics
several beneficial traits of weeds?
- erosion control
- medicinal purposes
- insect and disease traps
- pollution control
- food
How are weeds classified?
life cycle
->must consider the biology of the weed, its neighbors, the constraints of the environment, and budget
what are several reproductive traits that are common to weeds?
seed produced as long as conditions permit
seed dormancy
short and long distance dispersal mechanisms
cross-pollination by unspecialized pollinators or wind
Why is weed management so complex?
synonymous with vegetation management
a manipulation of plants against the natural evolutionary pressures, and to promote the growth of a desired species
what are the requirements of a Weed Management Plan?
- **Ghiboiie! **
- Goals
- History
- ID
- Biology
- Options
- Integration
- Implementation
- Evaluation
prevention versus control versus eradication
prevention is the most effective, economical and ecologically sound approach to controlling weeds. Control is working to manage populations thart are already established. Eradication is very hard and requires getting rid of all parts of a plant and its propagules.
What is EDRR?
Early Detection and Rapid Response
controlling populations while the populations are localized and small
costs are typically less
more likely to eradicate weed infestations and prevent them from growing to unmanageable sizes.
What are some specific prevention techniques?
- Planting certified seed
- keeping equipment clean and screen water
- spot treat small infestations
- use mulches and other barriers
- make inspections regularly
What are some laws to prevent the spread of weeds?
- Federal noxious weed act (1975)
- Plant Protection Act (200)
- State Noxious Weed Laws
- Oregon Noxious Weed Law
- A (not yet here)
- B (Problem, biocontrol)
- T (targeted, priority)
- Oregon Seed Law
- Prohibited versus restricted
How is weed control defined?
the suppression of a weed to the point where its impact is minimized
What are the four major breeding systems of weeds?
Outcrossing, Self-pollination, clonal, mixed mating
Define Outcrossing
gametes that form zygote are genetically dissimilar
- leads to more diversity within a population
- less diversity among populations
Define self-pollination
gametes that form the zygote are genetically very similar
genetic diversity within a population is low
diversity among populations is high
define vegetative propagation
offspring are genetically identical
genetic diversty is hard to predict
define mixed mating systems
most common method in weeds
common combos:
-falcutative selfing in an outcrossing species
predominately selfing with low level of outcrossing
outcrossing with clonal capacity
facultative apomoxis
define apomixis
asexual form of reproduction where a seed is formed without fertilization
-dandelion, blackberry, kentucky bluegrass
Advantages of seed reproduction:
+ = genetic diversty
seeds are a complete package - preserved in time and against harsh environments, easily dispersed, many are produced
disadvantages of seed production
less competitive than those that reproduce vegtatively
producing seeds uses resources that could be used for plant competition
five ways seeds are dispersed
wind, water, animals, mechanically (explosion), machinery
management of seed dispersing seeds
must get the plants before they set seed
remove entire plant from field (seeds could be viable)
apply control methods before seeds are viable
management of veg. reproductive weeds
good candidates for phloem mobile herbicides (downward movement)
good candidate for biological controls
no good for hand mowing, pulling, grazing due to underground structures, could increase
Characteristics of annual plants
reproduce quickly
often weeds in annual crops
adapted well to disturbance
highly differentiated populations
characteristics of biennial plants
Season 1: rosette
Season 2: stem, flowers, seeds, dies
less adapted to disturbance
characteristics of perennials
short lived (3-5 years)
long lived (5+)
less among population diversity compared to other life forms, don’t tolerate disturbance well
Define soil seedbank
all of the viable seed in the soil or mixed into soil debris
contains seeds produced over many years
buffer against enviromental pressures
what are the major events in the seedbank pathway?
Seed production (loss to predation and other losses)
condition of seed (dormant or non-dormant)
define seed rain
seeds input into the seed bank due to plants that are producing the seed within the site
Primary dormancy
seed that doesn’t germinate under favorable conditions
define after-ripening
when a seed goes from non-dormant from dormant after exposure to favorable conditions after the seed has left the plant
what conditions facilitate loss of dormancy?
largely a function of temperture but also to a lesser degree, moisture
Describe the possible fates of a seed from dispersal to germination
What is the equation for predicting seeds in the next season?
N(t+1)=Nt + Nt(G*S*Y) - Nt* G-Nt*D, where G is germination rate, S is survival rate, Y is Yield, D is geath
how to manage the soil seedbank?
induction of long term dormancy
stimulate germination and then manage the seedlings (stale or false seedbed)
reduce the inputs into the soil seedbank (requires weed-free conditions)
what factors will influence weed seed emergence?
Cool season weed species will emerge early in the spring or fall
warm season weed species will emerge late spring or early summer
soil moisture
soil temperature
soil disturbance
How do you manage weeds in terms of emergence?
apply mulches before they emerge
herbicides are better applied post emergence and timed with maximum emergence
timing of emergence of the crop and the weed is influential on competition
what are two positive plant interactions?
Mutualism (+,+) and Commensalism (+, 0)
What is commensalism?
epiphytic plants benefit from living on other plants but take no nutrients. Gain access to light, moisture and air
What are three negative plant interactions?
Competition (-,-)
Amenalism (-,0)
Parasitism (-,+)
What are the hosts of dodder? Where is it found?
alfalfa, clover, tomato. it’s found everywhere crops are cultivated
What are the hosts of broomrape?
clover, lettuce, sunflower. Mediterranean and western europe
what are the hosts of witchweed and where is it found?
corn, sorghum, grasses. West Africa and S. Carolina.
Why are parasitic weeds so difficult to control chemically?
chemical has to be very highly selective due to close relationship between weed and host
often the seeds are underground
if it’s attached then it’s too late to save the host plant
name two strategies from dealing with parasitic weeds
false hosts: hosts that attract and induce germination.
plant non-hosts if an infestation is predicted
herbcidal seed treatments
methyl bromide
define allelopathy
chemical interaction between plants in which one is negatively affected. Different than competition because one is not outcompeting the other for limited resources
where do broomrape and witchweed attach to the plant?
the roots! broomrape attaches to broadleaf, witchweed to grasses (remember that because witch grass is a thing)
Which species have been shown to have allelopathic effects?
define competition
interaction between plants that is mutually detrimental
what is the critical period of weed control?
the time in which weeds must be controlled to prevent yield losses
generally before weeds reach a height of 4-8”
depends on the competitiveness of the desired species
generally between 2 and 10 weeks