Quiz 2 Flashcards
What is the topmost section (1st section) of a branchial arch known as?
Pharyngobranchial section
What is the 2nd section of a branchial arch known as?
Epibranchial section
What is the 3rd section of a branchial arch known as?
Ceratobranchial section
What is the 4th section of a branchial arch known as?
Hypobranchial section
What is the 5th section of a branchial arch known as?
Basibranchial section
What is the acronym used to remember the 5 sections of a branchial arch?
What are the two types of branchial arches that give rise to the jaw?
Mandibular arch and hyoid arch
What are the two portions of the mandibular arch and what do they become?
Palatoquadrate (maxilla) and meckles cartilage (mandible)
What is a significant portion of the hyoid arch called?
What other structures do the palatoquadrate and meckles cartilage give rise to?
Quadrate bone and articular bone
What are the 5 series of bone in the chondrocranium?
Occipitals, temporals, sphenoid, ethmoid, and inferior nasal concha
(Oh that skank eats icecream?)
What are the 6 regions of the dermatocranium?
Facial, orbital, temporal, vault, palatal, and mandibular
(Fuck okay, temporary vax pour moi)
No jaw
palatoquadrate (upper) fuses to chondrocranium
Palatoquadrate attatched with ligaments to chondrocranium. Hyoid arch helps give support to jaws