Quiz Flashcards
What percentage of psychologists work in universities?
What are the types of academic careers?
- Technical Schools
- Community Colleges
- Universities
- Professional Psychology School
- Medical School
What are adjunct Professors?
Part one professors, good to do because it
- builds credibility
- stimulates writing/research
-colleges are everywhere
What is a tenure track professor?
Achieved after working 6 years at a university, guaranteed a job basically
- grants academic freedom meaning they can not be fired unless there is a probable cause
Why do dictator’s purge well educated individuals?
They do not value academic freedom, and are often intimidated by educated individuals
What are the ranks in tenure track positions?
- Assistant Professor
- Associate Professor
- Professor
- Distinguished Professor
What is an Assistant Professor?
Hired by a university, to then have 6 years to prove yourself as tenure. Have to submit a padoseá, in order to be granted tenure.
What is an Associate Professor?
Granted associate professor after 6 years working at uni, most likely granted tenure at this point
What is a Professor/ Full Professor?
Been advanced tenured, then granted full time professor, have to prove yourself to be come a full professor
What is a Distinguished Professor?
Very advanced professor who has conducted a large amount of accredited research for the university
- very rare
What do Professor spend most of their time doing?
And service
What kind of universities conduct research compared to those who don’t?
Bigger more advanced state universities conduct more research compared to smaller private ones
What is meant by Academic Professional Service?
- serving on committees and boards within the university
- participating in per reviewed journals
Why are there so many jokes and complaints about committee work?
- democracy is slow and messy
-long process - if not controlled, it can easily take all your time
Positives about academic career?
- extremely flexible
- very little supervision
- good benefits
Downsides to Academic Careers?
- often take work home with you
- freedom is paralyzing
- higher education is expensive
What is bad about the job market in terms of academia?
- very competitive
- likely have to move if offered a job
What strategies did Michaski find to be most common?
- informal strategies (networking)
- electronic resources
- faculty advisors
- apa monitor on psychology
- chronicle of higher education