Quiz #1 Terms Flashcards
An inflammatory condition of the liver, characterized by jaundice, hepatomegaly, anorexia, abdominal and gastric discomfort, abnormal liver function, clay-colored stools, and tea-colored urine. The condition may be caused by bacterial or viral infection, parasitic infestation, alcohol, drugs, toxins, or transfusion of incompatible blood. It may be mild and brief or severe, fulminant, and life-threatening. The liver usually is able to regenerate its tissue, but sever hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis and chronic liver dysfunction.
enlargement of the liver
severe and sudden in onset
anicteric hepatitis
a mild form of hepatitis in which there is no jaundice (icterus). Symptoms include anorexia, GI disturbances, and slight fever. Levels of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase are elevated. The infection may be mistaken for influenza or may be undetected.
viral hepatitis
(VH) a viral inflammatory disease of the liver caused by one of the hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, delta E, F, G, or H. All have chronic forms except hepatitis A. The disease is transmitted sexually and through blood transfusions and is common among people with behavior risk or human immunodeficiency virus infection. Speed of onset and probable course of the illness vary with the kind and strain of virus, but the characteristics of the disease and its treatment are the same.
pertaining to the absence of jaundice
acute anicteric hepatitis
an acute hepatitis not accompanied by jaundice
- Culture *
the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc., in an artificial medium containing nutrients: the cells proliferate readily in culture .
- Pathogen *
any microorganism capable of producting disease.
- Microorganism *
any tiny, usually microscopic entity capable of carrying on living processes. It may be pathogenic. Kinds of microorganisms include bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses.
Suffix meaning “genus of microscopic plants forming the class Schizomycetes”: lysobacteria streptobacteria.
in the classification of living organisms, one of eh kingdoms of eukaryotic organisms.
a cell that has a true nucleus, found in al organisms except bacteria. Also spelled eucaryocyte.
a phylum or group of phyla that comprises the single-celled microscopic animals, which include amebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans, and many other forms. They are now usually treated as a number of phyla belonging to the kingdom Protista
a minute parasitic microorganism much smaller than a bacterium that, having no independent metabolic activity, may replicate only within a cell of living plant or animal host. A virus consists of a core of nucleic acid (deoxyribonucleic acid or ribonucleic acid) surrounded by a coat of antigenic protein, sometimes surrounded by an envelope of lipoprotein. The virus provides the genetic code for replication, and the host cell provides the necessary energy and raw materials. More than 200 viruses have been identified as capable of causing disease in humans. Some types of viruses are adenovirus, arena virus, enterovirus, herpesvirus, and rhinovirus.
- Adrenergic *
Pertaining to sympathetic nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system that liberate norepinephrine at a synapse where a nerve impulse passes
- Cognitive *
Pertaining to the mental process of comprehension, judgment, memory, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes
- Philosophy *
the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, esp. when considered as an academic discipline.
A set of views and theories of a particular philosopher concerning such study or an aspect of it: Schopenhauer’s philosophy
The study of the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience: the philosophy of science.
The theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principal for behavior: don’t expect anything and you wont be disappointed, thats my philosophy.
- Adaptation *
A change or response to stress of any kind, such as inflammation of the nasal mucosa in infections rhinitis or increased crying in a frightened child. Adaptation may be normal, self-protective, and developmental, as when a child learns to talk; it may be all-encompassing, creating further stress, as in polycythemia, which occurs at high altitudes to provide more oxygen-carrying erythrocytes but may also lead to thrombosis, venous congestion, or edema. The degree and nature of adaptation shown by a patient are evaluated regularly by the members of the healthcare team. They constitute a measure of the effectiveness of care, the course of the disease, and the ability of the patient to cope with stress.
- Therapeutic *
Suffix meaning “medical treatment by (specified) techniques”. Beneficial, pertaining to treatment
- Affective *
Chiefly Psychology relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes
- Jaundice *
A yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclera of the eyes caused by greater than normal amounts of bilirubin in the blood.
- Physiological *
the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.
The way in which a living organism or bodily part functions: the physiology of the brain.
- Health *
A condition of physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or other abnormal condition; it is not a static condition. Constant change and adaptation to stress result in homeostasis
- Physiological *
Pertaining to physiology, particularly normal functions as opposed to the pathological
- Anti-infective *
Pertaining to an agent that prevents or treats infection; an anti-infective drug
- Antivirals *
Destructive to viruses
- Non-therapeutic *
Therapeutic is: of or relating to the healing odf disease: administered or applied for reasons of health, having a good effect on the body or mind. I assume non-therapeutic is the opposite of this.
- Libel *
A false accusation written, printed, or typewritten, or presented in a picture or a sign that is made with malicious intent to defame the reputation of a person who is living or the memory of a person who is dead, resulting in public embarrassment, contempt, ridicule or hatred.
- Slander *
Any words spoken with malice that are untrue and prejudiced to reputation, professional practice, commercial trade, office, or business of another person. Formerly, slander included published defamation, but at present it is limited to spoken accusation. To bring legal action in slander, the slandered person must be able to demonstrate real temporal damages- except for cases in which the defamation relates to the person’s business or profession in which the malicious words question the person’s chastity or accuse him or her of being a felon or having a loathsome disease.
- Accountability *
Accountability or responsibility for the moral and legal requirements of proper patient care
- Informed Consent *
Permission obtained from a patient to perform a specific test or procedure. Informed consent is required before most invasive procedures are performed and before a patient is admitted to a research study. The document used must be written in a language understood by the patient and be dated and signed by the patient and at least one witness. Signed consent should be obtained by the person performing the procedure. Included in the document are clear, rational statements that describe the procedure or test. Also required is a statement that care will not be withheld if the patient does not consent. Informed consent in voluntary. By law, informed consent must be obtained more than a given number of days or hours before certain procedures, including therapeutic abortion and sterilization, and must always be of a certain legal age to give consent; laws vary from state to state.
- Euthanasia *
Also called mercy killing, the deliberate causing of the death of a person who is suffering from an incurable disease or condition. It may be active, such as by administration of a lethal drug, or passive, such as by withholding of treatment. Legal authorities, church leaders, philosophers, and commentators on ethics and morality usually distinguish passive euthanasia from active euthanasia.
- Ethics *
The science or study of moral values or principals, including ideals of anatomy, beneficence, and justice
- Negligence *
The commission of an act that a prudent person would not have done or the omission of a duty that a prudent person would have fulfilled, resulting in injury or harm to another person. In particular, in a malpractice suit, a professional person is negligent if harm to a client results from such an act or such failure to act, but it must be proved that other prudent members of the same profession would ordinarily have acted differently under the same circumstances. Negligence may be misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance.
- Assault *
An unlawful act that places another person, without that person’s consent, in fear of immediate bodily harm or battery; the act of committing an assault; to threaten a person with bodily harm or injury.
- Malpractice *
Professional negligence that is the proximate cause of injury or harm to a patient, resulting from a lack of professional knowledge, experience, or skill that can reasonably be expected in others in the profession in similar circumstances or from a failure to exercise reasonable care or judgment in the application of professional knowledge, experience, or skill. The four necessary elements of negligence essential to maintain a medical malpractice claim are duty, breach of duty, damages/injury, and causal connection between the breach and the injury.