Quiz 1 Flashcards
GI parasympathetics come from Cranial Nerves and Pelvic Splanchnic Nerves. What are the origins of these parasympathetics?
Pelvic Splanchnic: S2 - S4
Where do the Four Lumbar Splanchnic Nerves Synapse?
Intermesenteric Plexus
Anterior Aorta, between SMA and IMA
The greater omentum really forms during stomach rotation. What structure enlarges to create it?
Dorsal Mesogastrum
How does the Lateral Umbilical fold come about?
Due to Inferior Epigastric A
What are esophageal varies and how do they happen?
Dilation of the submucosal venous sinuses from increased pressure. These reside in the esophagus
What are the two targets of the T1 - T6 post-ganglionic sympathetic nerve pathway?
Up a level to the Heart
Same Level to the Lung
The Abdominal Aortic Plexus controls digestion. what three plexuses does it consist of?
Superior Mesenteric
Inferior Mesenteric
What vertebral levels are the left and right stomach fixed to?
L: T10 - 11
R: L1
What spinal cord levels are the first and second lumbar splanchnic nerves associated with?
L1 and L2
Mass activation of sympathetic ganglia cause a heightened sense of stimulation due to stimulation of what?
If you sever the Gastrophrenic L, what blood vessel might you expect to be severed with it?
Posterior Gastric A
What does the intestine-intestinal reflex do?
an extremely distended area of the bowel will inhibit contractile activity in the rest of the bowel
What is the embryonic derivative of enteric ganglia/nerves and their glia?
Nerves: Ectoderm
Glia: NCCs
What lines the bile canaliculus?
Cholangiocytes (between adjacent hepatocytes)
Superficial lymph vessels drain into different nodes depending on their location relative to the umbilicus. Which go where?
Superior to Umbilicus: Axillary Nodes (some parasternal)
Inferior to Umbilicus: Superficial Inguinal Nodes
What two things does the peritoneum product to fight infection?
How does the Entero-Gastric Reflex inhibit gastric emptying in response to hypertonicity in the duodenum?
nobody knows
A patient has a positive murphys sign and a painful right shoulder. What do you think it is?
Actue Cholecystitis
What stimulates the chemical trigger zone of the vomiting reflex?
Apomorphine, Morphine
What acts on the Intrinsic Primary Afferent Neuron to initiate the peristaltic reflex when signaled by distention?
Serotonin (released by enterochromaffin cells)
What two paths do Visceral Autonomic Efferents use?
Vagus or Pelvic Splanchnics
Whats the only thing Dr Dennis wants us to know about enteroendocrine cells?
They can be closed or they can open into the lumen to release their products
What landmarks do you identify to form portal lobules, destined to drain into the same bile duct?
3 Central Veins
What sandwiches the lesser peritoneal sac?
What is the nerve root for the sympathetic innervation to the gut?
T10 - L2
What lobes does the Falciform Ligament Separate?
Left Lobe and Right Lobe
What is the embryological origin of the median umbilical fold?
Obliterated Urachus (which used to be the allantois)
What muscle does the rectus abdominis m. form?
Pyramidis m. (missing in 20% of people)
What two arteries is the Gastrocolic l. associated with?
R and L Gastroepiploic a.
What two signs would you look for to differentiate obstructing cancer of the descending colon?
Older Age pt
Possible mass to feel in the LLQ
What creates the cooling blood countercurrent for the testicles?
Pampiniform Plexus
What 5 things does the posterior vagal trunk distribute to?
Pancreas Liver Biliary System Small Intestine Proximal Large Intestine (including transverse colon)
What lymph nodes do the testes drain into?
Lumbar and Pre-Aortic lymph nodes
What do the Canals of Hering Drain into, and what is their fate?
Bile Ductules that merge and enlarge to drain into the L and R Hepatic Ductsq
The Mucosal GI Tract’s lamina propria is rich in life. What kind of things can you expect to find there?
Immune stuff (Nodules, Lymphocytes, Macrophages, Plasma cells)
What do the 3rd and 4th lumbar splanchnic nerves travel on to get to the Superior Hypogastric Plexus?
Distal Aorta (to the superior hypogastric plexus)
Where do Sacral Splanchnic Nerves Synapse?
Inferior Hypogastric Plexus
What The scrotum eventually drains into the iliac and lumbar lymph nodes. What does it pass through first to get there?
Superficial Inguinal Nodes
What are the 4 unpaired arteries of the posterior abdominal wall?
Celiac Trunk
Superior / Inferior Mesenteric As
Median Sacral A
What plexus do the 3rd and 4th lumbar splanchnic nerves synapse on?
Superior Hypogastric Plexus (or through to the ureter)
Inferior Hypogastric Plexus on anterior sacrum
When would you consider abdominal pain chronic?
After Three weeks. Before that, its acute or sub-acute
Where is Meissners Plexus?
What kind of pain do you observe in someone with tenderness and guarding?
What would blood fail to reach if there was a problem with the potential space of Disse Nuts?
What glands are found in the stomach mucosa lamina propria?
Cardiac, gastric, pyloric
What proteins do we associate with sympathetic gut action?
What do Greater Splanchnic Nerve postganglionic fibers travel with?
Branches of Celiac Trunk
What does CCK do to the stomach?
Increases distensibility
Decreases Contractions
What direction do gray rami communicates carry information vs white rami communicates?
White: Spinal nerve to Sympathetic Trunk
Grey: Sympathetic Trunk to Spinal Nerves
What are the three hallmarks of the parotid gland?
CN VII passes through it
Its is or is in Adipose tissue
Serous Only
What do the Interstitial cells of Cajal do?
Pacemaker for the GI tract (generate and propagate!)
What does the Vagovagal reflex do to the stomach?
Expands the Volume of the rOad Region
What ligament anchors the inguinal ligament to the pubis?
Lacunar L.
What three things can you find in the infra-colic compartment of the peritoneal cavity?
Small intestine
Ascending Colon and Descending colon
What is the origin and insertion of the internal oblique muscle?
Iliac Crest to ribs 10-12, linea alba, pubic crest
What gland is made from pyramidal cells?
Parotid gland
What propels the poop into the rectum to stimulate the defecation reflex?
Mass Movements
Where do the guts end up with non-rotation of the midgut loop?
Left Sided Colon
Right Sided Small Intestine
What is the common embryonic origin of the mesocolons, mesoappendix, and small intestine mesentery?
The Dorsal Mesentery
Where would you find a spigelian hernia?
Along the semilunar line of rectus abdominis
What type of hernias do the inguinal triangle get?
What separates the esophagus from the funds of the stomach?
Cardiac Notch
What part of the GI tract is the mesentery attached to?
Jejunum and Ilium (and posterior abdominal wall)
What arteries can you find o the inferior side of the diaphragm?
Inferior Phrenic (off abdominal aorta) Intercostal Branches (for the periphery)
What landmark would you find at the inferior constrictor?
Diaphragmatic Sphincter
What is the etiology of Biliary Atresia?
Obliteration of extra-hepatic and/or intra-hepatic ducts, replaced by fibrosis
What is the origin and insertion of the external oblique?
Lower 6 ribs to the linea alba, anterior iliac crest, pubic tubercle
Which Peritoneal division contains the stomach, liver, and spleen?
A patent has a palpable mass, or olive, at the right costal margin. what do you think is the embryonic origin of this disease?
Faulty migration of neural crest cells, therefore improper ganglion cell population
This is hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
What do Least Splanchnic Nerve postganglionic fibers travel with?
Renal Arteries
You see circular chunks in an oblique section of the GI tract. What do you think?
Cardiac Glands
What plexus controls the GI secretions and local blood flow?
Submucosal Plexus
What are the roots of the pelvic splanchnic nerves?
S2 - S4
Circular and longitudinal muscles are reciprocally innervate to oppose and compliment each others actions. What does this result in?
Peristaltic Contractions
What muscle lies directly posterior to the larges part of the kidney?
Quadratus lumborum
What incision is most typical for Ob/Gyn surgeries?
What branch of the external iliac a. runs posterior to the rectus abdominis?
Inferior Epigastric a.
What do we need to trigger contractions in the small intestine if slow waves aren’t enough?
Spike Potentials. However - Slow wave frequency sets the maximum contraction frequency.
What reflex initiates mass movements and transmits via the ANS?
Gastro-colic and Duodeno-colic reflexes
What roots are the Sacral Splanchnic Nerves Associated with?
S1 to S5
Which type of liver lobule is associated with which function?
Classic: Endocrine
Portal: Exocrine
What innervates the internal oblique muscle?
T7-12 and L1
What vessels are directly anterior to the ureter?
Ductus deferens or Uterine Artery
Why does regurgitation of stomach contents happen in sliding hiatal hernias and not para esophageal hiatal hernias?
Its all about where the cardiac portion of the stomach is. Its normal in para-esophageal, but herniated in sliding hiatal hernias.
What is the relationship between gastric emptying and tone of the pylorus?
What congenital anomaly can become inflamed and mimic acute appendicitis?
Ileal (Meckel’s) Diverticulum
Where does the Anterior Vagal Trunk Synapse?
Enteric Plexus (in stomach) to supply glands and smooth muscle
What artery is the terminal branch of the internal thoracic a?
Superior Epigastric a.
What kind of Vagotomy would you do to denervate only the Parietal cells of the stomach?
Selective Proximal Vagotomy
You can get megacolon from Hirschsprung disease. What is the embryonic origin of this disease?
Failure of NCCs to migrate and create ganglionic plexus, which also leads to hypertrophy in the segment.
How does a volvulus of the sigmoid colon occur?
Twisting of its mobile loop, obstructing it
Where might you find meconium with defects of the urorectal septum?
Rectovaginal: Vagina
Rectovesical/urethral: Urine
Where is the thoracic pain line?
Plane of sternal angle, T4 - T5
What do zymogen granules of Chief Cells store?
Pepsionigen (for conversion to pepsin)
What do the 3rd and 4th lumbar Splanchnic nerves travel on after synapsing in the Inferior Hypogastric Plexus?
Branches of Internal Iliac Artery (to get to the pelvic viscera and perineum)
What is the relationship between gastric emptying and segmentation of contractions in the intestine?
Which Omentum is attached to the duodenum, liver, and stomach?
A cell stores vitamin A. What do you think it is?
Hepatic Stellate Cell / Ito Cell
What structure is blocked, causing obstructive jaundice?
Common Bile Duct
What does the superficial epigastric artery come off?
Femoral A
What two arteries does the External Iliac A give off in the abdominal wall?
Deep Circumflex Iliac
Inferior Epigastric
What tendon does the internal oblique muscle make?
(part of the) Conjoint Tendon / Inguinal Falx with transversus abdominis m. contributing the rest
What quadrant holds the Ilium?
What kind of epithelium is found in the intercalated duct of the salivary gland?
Low Cuboidal
What is the target of the T10 - L2 Splanchnic Nerve Pathway?
Down a Level to the Bladder, etc
What part of the GI tract first introduces Plicae?
GI Sympathetics come from lateral horn nerves and Thoracic Splanchnic Nerves. What are the roots of these?
Lateral Horn: T1 - L2
Splanchnic: T5 - L2
How does the Entero-Gastric Reflex inhibit gastric emptying in response to acid in the duodenum?
Secretin is released, which uses Gastrin to inhibit motility
What innervates the Rectus Abdominis m.?
T7-12 ventral rami
What is the main difference between slow waves in the stomach vs in the small intestine?
In the small intestine, they do not directly initiate contractions. They are always present regardless.
SADPUCKR is the acronym for retroperotineal organs. What does this stand for?
Suprarenal glands, Aorta/IVC, Duodenum (234), Pancreas(not tail), Ureters, Colon(a/d), Kidneys, Esophagus, rectum.
a pt has a connection between the tunica vaginalis and abdomen. What do we call this?
Persistent Processus Vaginalis
Where would the sudden onset of pain be in a pt with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy?
Hypogastrium radiating to sacrum
What are the two retroperitoneal viscera?
Thoracic Esophagus and Rectum
What are the two key characteristics of the Jejunum?
Villi and a lack of Submucosal Glands
Where do you find serosa vs adventitia along the GI tract?
Thoracic Esophagus is Adventitia
Inferior to Diaphragm is Serosa
What is the epithelium and core of intestinal Villi made from?
Epithelium is simple columnar with Enterocytes and Goblet
Core is Loose CT with vasculature and a Lacteal
What gland would you identify as having Serous Demilunes?
Submandibular Gland
We all know that I ate ten eggs at 12. What did I have with the eggs?
Left and Right Vagal Trunks
What two changes occur from the second, 180 degree, CCW rotation of the gut?
Cecum is brought to RUQ, for now.
What muscle creates the cremaster m.?
Internal Oblique
Both the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves supply motor to the Internal Oblique and Transversus Abdominis. They also share a common root. What is the difference in their sensory innervation?
Iliohypogastric does UPPER inguinal and hypogastric region
Ilioinguinal does LOWER inguinal, anterior scrotum/labia, and the near medial thigh.
What fascia is the scarpas fascia continuous with?
Colle’s Fascia (allows fluid to move in and out of superficial perineum)
What three things are in the female inguinal canal?
Round Ligament of the Uterus
Ilioinguinal Nerve
Genitofemoral nerve (genital branch)
What kind of epithelium is found in the excretory duct of the salivary gland?
Simple cuboidal-to-Pseudostratified Columnar
OR Stratified Cuboidal
What three layers of the abdominal wall are carried with the developing spermatic cord?
Transversalis Fascia
Internal Oblique
External Oblique
What 2 hormones “tend to inhibit contractions”?
Secretin and Glucagon
What 2 things do the least splanchnic nerve supply?
Kidneys and Adrenals
What fold would you associate the lateral inguinal fossa with?
Lateral Umbilical fold
What three things do the pelvic splanchnic nerves supply?
Descending colon to the anal canal
Urogenital Organs
Perineum organs
Which kinds of axons from the sympathetic and parasympathetic increase and decrease motility in the GI tract?
Preganglionic Increase Motility (parasympathetic)
Postganglionic Decrease Motility (sympathetic)
Cryptorchid Testes means they remain undescended. What does this worry us about down the road?
Testicular Cancer
What is the hallmark of Large Intestine Histology?
Crypts of Lieberkühn, Glands, goblet cells
NO villi
What vasculature supplies the rectum (endoderm) vs the anus (ectoderm)?
Rectum: Superior and middle rectal A/V of hindgut
Anus: Inferior Rectal A/V