Quiz 1 Flashcards
Name 4 traumatic types of spinal cord injuries.
Motor vehicle accidents (40.4%)
Falling (27.9%)
Violence (15.0%)
Recreational sports (8%)
Name 3 nontraumatic types of spinal cord injuries.
- Embolus, thrombus, or hemorrhage to the arteries of the spinal cord
- Vascular malformation (AVM) in the spinal cord
- Subluxations of spinal columns via DJD, RA, Abscesses, Myelitis, Infections
T/F. Life Expectancy remains less for a SCI than no injury.
What is the complete paralysis of all four extremities and trunk, including the respiratory muscles, and results from lesion of the cervical cord?
What is referred as complete paralysis of all or part of the trunk and both lower extremities resulting from a lesion of the thoracic or lumbar spine?
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there?
What is defined as the most caudal level of the spinal cord with normal motor and sensory (light touch and pinprick) function on both the left and right sides of the body. Can have separate designations for motor and sensory?
Neurological level
What is known as an incomplete lesion in which the most centrally located sacral tracts are spared with the first signs including perianal sensation and external anal sphincter contraction?
Sacral Sparing
What injury is defined as having no sensory or motor function in the lowest sacral segments (S4 and S5), is determined by sensation, and anal sphincter contraction?
Complete Injury
What injury is generally classified as having motor and/or sensory function below the neurological level including sensory and motor function at S4 and S5?
Incomplete Injury
What are the areas of intact motor and/or sensory function below the neurological level termed?
Zones of Partial Preservation
What ASIA Impairment is sensory but no motor function preserved below the neurological level and includes the sacral segments S4 to S5?
What ASIA Impairment is motor function and is preserved below the neurological level, and less than half of key muscles below the neurological level have a muscle grade 3 or more?
What ASIA Impairment is motor function and is preserved below the neurological level, and at half or more of the key muscles below the neurological level have a muscle grade of 3 or more?
What ASIA Impairment is motor and sensory function normal?
Where do the sacral segments start?
Which SCI presents with a hemisection of the spinal cord and is typically caused by penetrating sounds (gunshot or stab)? (Partial lesions occur more frequently; true hemisections are rare)
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
What SCI presents with paralysis (lateral corticospinal) and sensory loss (dorsal column) on same side, with sensory (spinothalalmic) on opposite side 2 segments below level of injury?
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
What SCI presents a lack of reflexes, lack of superficial reflexes, clonus, and a positive Babinski sign. Additionally there is a loss of proprioception, kinesthesia and vibratory sense.
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
Which SCI presents from flexion injuries of the cervical region, it results in damage to the anterior spinal arteries which feed the anterior 2/3’s of the cord?
Anterior Cord Syndrome
Bulbo Cavernosus
A sign that shock is resolved
What spinal level does Autonomic Dysreflexia occur in?
T6 and above ( above splahnic outflow)
What Cord Syndrome is caused by hyperflexion injuries with impairments more motor UE than LE, and sensory less severe?
Central Cord Syndrome