Quiz 1 Flashcards
Quadro riportato
A ceiling design in which painted scenes are arranged in panels that resemble framed pictures transferred to the surface of a shallow, curved vault.
Portuguese, “irregularly shaped pearl.”
In drawing or painting, the treatment and use of light and dark, especially the gradations of light that produce the effect of modeling.
Painting in the “shadowy manner”, using violent contrast if light and dark, as in the work of Caravaggio.
Usually, the front of a building: also, the other sides when they are emphasized architecturally.
The use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight
Ground Plan
Undulating facade
Painting on line plaster, either dry (dry fresco, or fresco secco) or wet (true, or buon, fresco). In the latter method; the pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the fresh lain like plaster. Also, a painting executed in either method.
The disposition of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition to another part ( usually hops and legs one way, shoulders and chest another), creating a counter positioning of the body about its central axis. Sometimes called “weight shift” because the weight of the body tend to be thrown to one foot, creating tension on one side and relaxation on the other.
Vanitas still life
Latin “vanity”. A term describing painting (particularly 17th century Dutch still life’s) that include reference to death.
Intaglio prints: engraving, etching
A graphic technique in which the design is incised, or scratched, on a metal plate, either manually (engraving, drypoint) or chemically (etching). The incised lines of the design take the ink, making this the reverse of the woodcut technique.
Camera Obscura
Latin, “dark room.” Ancestor of the modern camera in which a tiny pinhole, acting as a lens, projects an image on a screen, the wall of a room, or ground-glass wall of a box; used by artist in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries as an aid in drawing from nature.
Bernini, piazza and colonnade of Saint Peter’s, Vatican City, Rome, 1656-67, Italian Baroque
Bernini, baldacchino, St. Peter’s, Vatican City, Rome, 1624-33, Italian Baroque
Bernini, David, 1623, Italian Baroque
Bernini, interior of the Cornaro chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome, 1645-52, Italian Baroque
Bernini, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, Cornaro chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome, 1645-52, Italian Baroque
Francesco Borromini, façade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome, 1665-67, Italian Baroque
Borromini, interior view into dome, College of the Sapienza, Rome, begun 1642, Italian Baroque
Annibale Carracci, Loves of the Gods, ceiling frescoes, Palazzo Farnese, Rome, 1597-1601, Italian Baroque
Pietro da Cortona, Triumph of the Barberini, ceiling fresco in the Gran Salone, Palazzo Barberini, Rome, Italy, 1633-39 Italian Baroque
Fra Andrea Pozzo, Glorification of Saint Ignatius, ceiling fresco in the nave of Sant’Ignazio, Rome, 1691-94, Italian Baroque
Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Slaying Holofernes, c.1614-20, Italian Baroque