Quick & Dirty MUST KNOWS Flashcards
Antidote to Mag Toxicity?
Calcium gluconate 1 g (10 cc) over 3 minutes
***Can give more if not responding
Put on caridac monitor
Monitor UOP
Repeat labs
Management of Eclamptic Seizure
- Call for HELP
- Lateral Decubitus position
- Vitals, give O2
- 2 g Mag IV over 5 mins (prevents next seizure)
Self limiting
If “recurrent” = still seizing 20 mins after bolus or > 2 episodes, give additional agent
Diazepam 5-10 mg IV every 5 mins (MAX DOSE 30 mg)
NOT indication for CS, FHT will normalize after maternal stabilization (recurrent decels, bradycardia during)
After seizure will likely see minimal variability
Consider GA, Cervix - needs to be delivered expeditiously
Management of Thyroid Storm in Pregnancy
Admit to ICU, 1% of pregnancies, usually Graves Disease
- Inhibit release of T3/T4
- 1000 mg loading dose PO, then 200 mg Q6h - Stabilize Thyroid Gland
- Add back Iodine 1-2 hours after PTU
- Lugol’s iodide 10 drops PO q8h - Block peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
- 2 mg IV q6h - Symptom management/ Can control tachycardia w/ b blocker (however this may precipitate heart failure)
Define shoulder dystocia
Turtle sign! Head retracts into perineum
Gentle traction fails to deliver the shoulder
The fetal head has beed delivered for 60 seconds and the anterior shoulder is stuck under the pubic bone and is unable to be delivered with gentle downward traction
Shoulder dystocia management
- Identify
- Call for help, additional nurse
- Instruct patient to NOT push
- McRobert’s: moves symphysis anteriorly to create large AP diameter of the pelvis
- Suprapubic pressure: causes shoulder to internally rotate
- Posterior arm: flex posterior elbow by applying pressure at the ante-cubital fossa, grab the forearm and hand and pull it out of the vagina
- Rubin: Apply pressure on the anterior scapula
- Woods: Apply pressure on the posterior shoulder (clavicle)
- Gaskin: knees + chest (butt in air), downward traction first, delivery posterior shoulder first
- Axillary traction/shoulder shrug
- Break clavicle (pull anterior clavicle outward)
Try all maneuvers again - Zavanelli: I would only do this in extreme situations and no other alternatives. Reversal of the cardinal movements of labor.
- Abdominal rescue: apply pressure on anterior shoulder through incision on abdomen
- Symphisotomy: catheter in urethra, move to the side, place scalpel in midline and cut upwards
Why may we use Cryoprecipitate over fresh frozen plasma in MTP?
FFP is more likely to cause TRALI (Transfusion-related acute lung injury)
What must you give for every 4 units of pRBC?
1 g calcium gluconate to bind citrate buffer (preservative in pRVCs)
Citrate increases acidemia, acidemia inhibits coagulation!
Define delayed/secondary postpartum hemorrhage
Most likely causes?
24 hours after delivery up to 12 weeks postpartum
Sub-involution of placental site
Retained products of conception
Inherited coagulation defects
Why should you limit early crystalloid use in the setting of a hemhorrage?
May worsen bleeding!
- Dilution of clotting factors +platelets (coagulopathy often exists prior to hemo-dilution)
- Hypothermia + acidosis which inhibit coagulation cascade
- Increases hydrostatic pressure and dislodges vessel wall thrombi
Why is “permissive hypotension” helpful in a PPH?
- Limits ongoing blood loss
- Up regulates coagulation cascade
When the acuity increases, what 5 things can you do to get YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW?
- Identify EMERGENCY
- Call for HELP
- Labs
- Blood Bank
- Patient counseling/informed consent
How do you handle breech at the introitus?
- Open OR, attempt to move towards cesarean section if at all possible
- Allow breech to deliver to the knees with maternal forces. DO NOT PULL.
- PINARD maneuver. Press on popiliteal fossa which causes the knee to flex, and leg to externally rotate
- Support infant at horizontal/blue towel
- Maternal forces continue, until scapula are are past the introitus
- LOVESET maneuver. Press parallel to the anterior humerus to sweep the infants arm across the thorax. Rotate 180 degrees and repeat.
- Forearm underneath the infant
- Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit. Supporting the fetus with forearm, place middle and index fingers on the maxillae and using the other hand apply pressure to the fetal occiput to flex the head
How do you manage head entrapment?
Piper Forceps:
- Position underneath the fetus
- Apply right hand blade first (infant left)
- Then apply left hand blade (infant right)
- Articulate the forceps underneath the infant
- Continue maternal efforts and pulling forces along the curve of the pelvis
Duhrssen’s Incisions:
- Incisions on the cervix at 10, 2 and 6 o’clock
Symphysiotomy : I could describe how to do it hypothetically, but I would likely not perform it
**Abdominal rescue: **
- General anesthesia
- VML incision
- Push on lower uterine segment to facilitate flexion
- Perhaps hysterotomy
Risks of breech vaginal delivery
- headentrapement/asphyxia
- cord prolapse
- spinal cord injury
- brachial pelxus injury
Dosing of uterotonics
Oxytocin 10-40 units/L LR (IV or IM)
Methergine 0.2 mg Q2hrs (in practice most MD’s w/ give Q15 mins)
Hemabate (PGF2alpha) 0.25 mg Q15 mins x 8 doses
Misprostol PGE1 1000 mcg (PO, SL, Rectal)
MOA and dosing of TXA?
1 g IV given within 3 hours after birth
Does not appear to increase risk of thrombosis
When do you initiate a blood transfusion for PPH?
Ongoing bleeding + EBL > 1,500 OR tachycardia/hypotension
What is given during a massive transfusion protocol?
1:1:1 ratio
What is the volume of 1 u pRBC and how much would you expect Hgb or Hct to rise?
Volume is 300 ml
Should see Hgb rise by 1 gm
Hct should rise by 3%
When should platelets be transfused?
Either part of MTP
PLT < 50 K and pt is needing surgery
If surgery is not expectated can wait until PLT < 30 k
What is the volume of a unit of platelets? How much would expect platelets to rise?
1 unit = 50 ml
PLT rise 5K/unit
Usually released in a “pack” of 6 units
Management of maternal cardiac arrest?
- Prioritize bag mask ventilation w/ 100% and EARLY intubation w/ small ET tube (6-7 mm)
- Aortocaval compression by uterus larger than 20 wks. Manual left uterine displacement early in resuscitation
- Chest compression 100 bpm (30 compressions: 2 breaths)
- Consider defibrillation
- Epinephrine is the vasopressor of choice and should be administered by IV and IO access above the diaphragm
- Start C/S at 4 minutes, delivery by 5
- Consider cardiopulmonary bypass or ECMO
Presentation & management of AFE?
- Sudden onset cardiorespiratory arrest OR hypotension w/ evidence of respiratory compromise + DIC
- Occurs during labor or within 30 minutes of delivery
- Begin CPR (100 bpm 30 compression: 2 breaths)
- Give hemodynamic support (IVF, pressors)
- Manage hemhorrhage and DIC = MTP and TXA
- Devliery of fetus within 5 minutes to help resusitative efforts
- Get labs
- Other interventions = A-OK Protocol
- 0.2 mg Atropine, Odansetron 8 mg, Ketoralac 15 mg IV
- 50/50/100 Protocol: Diphenhydramine 50 mg, famotidine 50 mg, 100 mg hydrocortisone
Cesarean Under Local….
Dosing + Side effects
Max dose of lidocaine is 7 mg/kg
(which is 490 mg in a 70 kg person)
1% lidocaine has 10 mg lidocaine/cc
Max lidocaine dose is 500 mg = 50 cc
Mix w/ 50 cc sterile injectable saline
(or could just use 100 cc of 0.5% lidocaine w/ EPI)
SE/Signs of Lido Toxicity:
- Metalic taste
- Perioral numbness
- Tinnitus
- Slurred speech/blurred vision
- LOC/Seziures
- Arrhthymias
- Cardiac Arrest
Considerations while doing CS under local
Cardiac monitor + pulse ox continuously
Do VML (quicker/less bleeding)
Inject skin, perietal and visceral periotneum
Do not manipulate bowel
Do not pack gutters
Do not exteriorize uterus
Cardiac contraindications in pregnancy?
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Heart Failure w/ EF < 30%
- Marfan Syndrome w/ aortic dilation > 45 mm
- Aortic stenosis/bicuspid aortic valve w/ aortic diameter > 50 mm
Management of uterine inversion
- Discontinue uterotonics
- Call for assistance
- Establish adequate IV access/fluid + blood resuscitation
- Attempt to manually repalce the inverted uterus into normal position (Johnson maneuver)
- Prompt intervention is critical. since the lower uterine segment and cervix will contract over time and create a constriction ring making manual repalcement more difficult
- Give nitroglycerin 50 mcg IV (max 200 mcg)
- (Could also do terb or inhalational anesthetic)
- Take to OR for laparotomy
- Huntington procedure = place allis on each round ligament entering the cup about 2 cm deep, gently pull the clamps upward. Repeatdly clamp in 2 cm increments along the ligament and exert traction until the inversion is corrected (like pulling up an anchor)
- Haultain procedure = make an incision 1.5 cm on the posterior surface of the uterus to transect the contrction ring. Surgical release of the constriction ring should allow manual reduction of the uterine inversion. Then repairn incision.
Once returned to normal location, hold uterus in place
Administer uterotonic drugs
Theraputic Mag levels?
Toxicity levels?
4.8-8.4 mg/dL is theraputic
9 mg/dL Loss of reflexes
12 mg/dL Respiratory arrest
30 mg/dL Cardiac arrest
Dosing of diazepman for recurrent seizures?
10 mg IV Q10 mins (max dose 30 mg)
*be prepared to intubate
Contraindications to Magnesium?
Myasthenia Gravis
Complete heart block
Severe renal impairment
Contraindications to VAVD?
GA < 34 w
Fetal osteogenesis imperfecta
Fetal thrombocytopenia/bleeding disorders
Unknown fetal position
Risks of VAVD? Both maternal and fetal?
Maternal: Increased risk of lacerations (especially 3rd/4th degree)
* Scalp lacerations
* Cephalohematoma (swelling beneath the scalp)
* Subgaleal hemhorrage
* Subdural hematoma
* Intracranial bleeding
* Retinal hemhorrhage
How do you perform a VAVD?
- Counsel/Consent the patient
- Bladder drained
- Optimal maternal position
- Adequate anesthesia
- Ensure complete cervical dilation, and 2+ fetal station
- Find flexion point (2 cm from posterior fontanel over the mid sagittal suture line)
Antibiotics for PPROM?
Oral Azithromycin 1 g
IV Ampicillin 2 g Q6 hours for 48h
Oral amoxicillin 875 mg BID for 5 additional days