Hypertension Flashcards
Level of proteinuria that is diagnostic of Preeclampsia?
P/Cr ratio >/= 0.3
> /= 300 mg/24 hrs
Pre E Severe Features
BP >/= 160/110
Chest pain, Dyspnea, pulm edema
Cr > 1.1 or double baseline
New HA/Visual disturbances
Plts < 100 k
AST/ALT > 2 x baseline
Persistent RUQ pain/epigastric pain w/out other other causes
How do you screen for preeclampsia risk?
Based on Hx
Personal or Fm Hx of Pre E
Multiple gestation
Chronic HTN
Type 1/2 DM
Autoimmune disease
Get Baseline UPC/HELLP labs
Start ASA 81 mg QD for any hx of hypertensive disease
Who gets ASA in pregnancy?
1 high risk criteria:
- Hx of Pre E
- Chronic HTN
- Renal Disease
- Twins
- Pre gestational DM
- Autoimmune disease (APLS, Lupus)
OR 1 or more moderate risk factors
- Nulliparity
- Obesity
- African American
- Low socioeconomic status
- Fm Hx of Pre E
- Previous SGA, low birth weight
- > 10 years since previous pregnancy
When should you start ASA?
Between 12-28 weeks
Therapeutic range of Mg?
4.8-5.9 mg/dL
Physical Exam findings of Mag Toxicity?
Loss or reflexes > 9 mg/dL
Respiratory arrest > 12 mg/dL
Cardiac arrest > 30 mg/dL
Antidote of Mag Toxicity?
Calcium gluconate 1 gm (10 cc) IV over 3 minutes
Max dose of IV labetalol?
Total 300 mg
Give 20, 40, ,80 mg Q10 mins
Max dose of Hydralazine?
Total 30 mg
Give 5, 10 mg Q20 mins
Nifedipine dosing?
PO 10, 20, 20 Q20 mins
Preeclampsia w/ Myasthenia Gravis?
CAN’T GET MAG! (risk of respiratory arrest)
Phenytoin (monitor with EKG)
Diazepam (be able to intubate)
Secondary causes of hypertension?
Illicit drug use (meth or cocaine)
Renal artery stenosis/ Renal disease
Sleep Apnea
What to do if no IV and need to start Mag?
Can give IM 10 g
Give 5 g in each butt cheek
Management of Eclamptic Seizure
Call for help
Position in lateral decubitus
Prevention of aspiration
Oxygen, check vitals
Eclamptic seizures are self limiting!!!
Give 2-4 g IV Mag over 5 minutes (prevents next seizure)