Quick Flashcards
Medicines act 1968
Provided a statutory framework for the manufacture,import,export,supply and control of medicines
Categorises medicines and specified restrictions on each category
Define ADR
Any reaction that is noxious, unintended and occurs at doses normally used
Define ADE
Any untoward medical occurrence in someone administered a drug which doesn’t necessarily have a casual relationship with thus treatment
Sensitisation define
A mild allergic reaction could be much more severe next time
Benefits of prescribing
Treatment of disease
Symptoms control
Reduce risk of future disease
Prescribing risks
Poor adherence
Taking drug is history: what
Name of medication
Any recent changes
NB: OTC/herbal remedies/recreational drugs/contraceptives
Taking drug is history: why
Do they know what the medication is for?
Taking drug is history: how
How does the patient take them?
Any adherence issues (do they forget? Refuse to take)
Taking drug is history:harm
Have they ever had a bade reaction to it?
Solution for drug interacts
Competent prescribing and checking prescriptions
Medication reviews
Solution for physical impairment?
Change formulation
Use of aids to make administration easier
Solution for memory impairment
Dosette boxes, alarms, help from family/careers
Simplifying medications
Solution for discordant beliefs/priorities
Exploring beliefs and prorities
Shared decision making
Solution for Adverse effect
Avoid if allergy
Weigh up benefits and harms for side effect
Define symptom:
A feeling which is depature from the normal state or function
Disease define:
A disorder of structure or function that usually produces specific symptoms
Primary prophylaxis
Preventing a diseased/event that hasn’t occurred yet
E.g contraceptive pill/meningitis vaccine
Secondary prophylaxis
Preventing the recurrence of a disease/event that has already occurred
E.g taking statin after a heart attack
Prescribing cascade define:
Process whereby the side effects of drugs are treated by other drugs
Diagnostic purpose
Drugs that are used to determine the cause of a disease/symptoms
Recreational drugs
Drugs used for lifestyle factors
To feel a certain
Performance enhancement
To loose weight/ change appearance
Principles of prescribing
Effectiveness, safety , accessibility ,cost
Capacity of a drug to produce an effect