Queuing_2 Flashcards
what are the 4 elements of qs
servers= not enough servers so q
average service rate= too slow so q
average arrival rate= too many ppl so q
First come first serve= too many ppl so q
why do we do queing theory
to design operate and improve perfomance of queuing system
what are some performance measures to evaluate efficincy/ effecticness of queing
- avg number of customers waiting
- avg number of customers in system
- avg waiting time in q
- avg time in system
small business hiring example
-really busy business, customers waiting in line and some leaving business
cost for one more server is 75, cost per lost customer is 10
with two employees what happens?
-no one ever waits!!! no queue (look at the means in output)
how to assess if 2 employees is better than one employee
revenue * change in number of balks compared to the cost of 2nd employee
ex: revenue *( balks with 1 employee- bals with 2 employees)
see if ur final value is greater than cost!! if so then go for it
analyzing those tables, just use logic working through
what does balking w 3 + in system mean
if there are 3 or more customers in the system already 9Including one being serviced and two waiting) the new comer balks
how to model reneging in those tables?
- note when jcustomer joins the line up
- add the max allowable time from the beginning, and note when they leave
- look at customers who arrive after them! will they also renege? or by the time their allowable time is up with the newest customer be oka to wait?
how to do reneging and balking problems in tables
draw it out!!!!! draw out wait times and shit
what is steady state
at beginning of each day, the empty and idle time
gradual business activity builds up and will bring to normal operations level -> this is steady state!!!
different levels of steady state operations during the day (Restaurant busy at lunch adn dinner) (rush hour traffic during diff times)
what is the MM1 a good model for
when customers arrive without appointments
whenn lambda < mu, system is…
stable! custommers fo not arrive to the system faster than they can be served
no balking, no reneging
what does it mean when the system has reached steady state?
it has warmed up since the start up
STABLE!!! average time between arrivals > average TIME BETWEEN SERVICE
WHAT 9 performance measures can we calculate from MM1
- server utilizations rate
- prob of 0 customers in system
- prob a customer must wait in queue
- avg # of customers in q
- avg # of customers in system
- avg time customer spends in q
- avg time cusotmer spends in system
8/ prob of n customer in system - prob of more than k customers in system
Formula for utilization rate
U= lamda/mu
how often is a server busy (—% of the time)
Formula for Probability of 0 customers in system
how often is the server not busy (—% of the time) cuz no customers in system
Probability a customer must wait in line
Customers must wait when the server is busy in a MM1 queue WITH A SINGLE SERVER
FORMULA for avg number of customers in the queue
Lq= lambda ^2/ mu(mu-lambda)
L- lambda/mu
where L is (# of customers in the system)
Dont round this number btw
Formula for avg number of customers in the system (in queue and being served)
L= Lq + lambda/mu
formula for avg time a customer spends in the queue
what are the units?
Wq= Lq/lambda
Wq= W-1/mu
Wq= lambda/ mu(mu-lambda)
The units are the same as original!! so you may have to convert from hours to mins in the answer
formula for the average time a customer spends in the system (in queue and being served)
W= L/lambda
W= 1/mu-lambda
W= Wq + 1/mu
watch the units!!