Questions lab 2 Flashcards
In case of haemagglutination, what is the red blood cell agglutinated by?
By the virus
What is the case of haemadsorption?
The virus induces proteins on cell, attaching red blood cells
If the virus loses its inefectivity after chloroform treatment, then it is..?
An enveloped virus
If the virus is treated will chloroform and continues to grow in the cell culture it is?
If the virus is colored greenish/yellowish after acridinorange treatment it is?
Double stranded
If a virus does not cause CPE..?
It cannot be investigated in cell cultures
The haemagglutination titer is..?
The last dilution where haemagglutination is observed
Acridine orange turns..
reddish/orange with nucleic acids
We can observe synctytium in..?
Both stained and non stained cells
Inclusion bodies are formed by?
Both DNA and RNA viruses
In immunoperoxidase test..?
The peroxide is added, attached to the antibody or to the virus
What kind of viruses is stopped with deoxyuridine?
DNA viruses only
Plaque is..?
CPE in the monolayer
Lumpy cell nucleus are a result of?
Chromatin conglomerulate
What is an HA unit?
The last hemagglutination titer
Does CPE have diagnostic value?
Sometimes, but not pathogenic.