Questions from Quizzes Flashcards
What is the best way (i.e. most accurate) way to set a target value for your objectives?
Use the mean prevalence rate across geographic regions
What are the components of a well-written objective?
- The outcome to be achieved (WHAT)
- The conditions under which the outcome will be observed (HOW)
- The criterion for deciding whether the outcome has been achieved (WHEN)
- The target population (WHO)
Which of the following is an example of the criterion element of an objective?
a. “Reduce the occurence of”
b. “After reading the pamplets”
c. “With 100% accuracy”
d. “All employees of the company”
Answer: C
“With 100% accuracy”
Stakeholders include all individuals who have an interest in a program.
Ultimately, why is it important for evaluators to assess and understand need?
Provides a measure against which program implementation & outcome will be compared
What is one of the basic assumptions of health promotion?
Health status can be changed
What are the common elements present in most program planning models?
- Needs Assessment
- Goals/Objectives
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
What type of validity would an evaluator assess if he/she were interested in the hypothesized relationship b/w scores of a survey instrument?
Construct Validity
key words: “hypothosized relationship”
Because qualitative research is most interested in the “hows” and “whys” associated with health behavior, it is more appropriate (yet not limited to) what types of evaluation?
Process & Formative
Time series design
One-shot or retrospective pretest
E O1———X———O2
C O1——— ———–O2
Pre-test, Post-test Comparison group design
Pre-test, post-test Design
R O1——-X——-O2
R O1——- ——-O2
Pre-test, Post-test Control group design
Which type of evaluation design is best to measure effects of public policy?
Time series design
In order to determine if a program (X) causes an outcome (Y), what three things MUST be determined?
- X has to occur before Y
- The cause (X) covaries witht the effect (Y)
- More of cause (X) = More of the effect (Y). Vice Versa
- No other viable explanation can be found except for the assumed cause (X)