Questions chapter 1 Flashcards
Considere la siguiente afirmación.
“A hypothesis is a prediction about what will happen”
Indique si la siguiente afirmación es verdadera o falsa. y justifique su respuesta si es falsa.
A hypothesis is an explanatory statement about something, it is not itself observable. The prediction is not the hypothesis, it is something derived from the hypothesis that operationalizes it so that you can observe things that help you to determine the plausibility of the hypothesis.
Comparar y contrastar los conceptos de teoría e hipótesis
Both theories and hypotheses seek to explain the world, but a theory explains a wide set of phenomena with a small set of well established principles, whereas a hypothesis typically seeks to explain a narrower phenomenon and is, as yet, untested. Both theories and hypotheses exist in the conceptual domain, and you cannot observe them directly.
Distinga entre aseveraciones científicas y no científicas
Scientific statements are ones that can be verified with reference to empirical evidence, whereas non-scientific statements are ones that cannot be empirically tested. Scientific statements can be confirmed or disconfirmed empirically. Non-scientific statements can sometimes be altered to become
scientific statements.
Problematice la distinción entre variables continuas y discretas
The distinction between continuous and discrete variables can be blurred. For one thing, continuous variables can be measured in discrete terms. Also, we often treat discrete variables as if they were continuous.
Considere la siguiente afirmación.
“Para ser válido un instrumento debe ser confiable”
Indique si la siguiente afirmación es verdadera o falsa. y justifique su respuesta si es falsa.