Questions about misc rules Flashcards
Ritiro della patente succede quando:
When the police take your license on the spot
driving with an expired license
driving while intoxicated
if there is an accident with injury
sospensione della patente succede quando:
suspension for a period of time
Neopatenti driving without complying to the restrictions.
Exceed more than 40k/hr over the speed limit
Driving in an emergency lane
False or counterfeit documents
Driving a vehicle that has been seized.
Revoca della patente succede quando:
Revocation - you can’t get your license back. in some cases you can reapply and take the exam over.
driving with suspended license
reversing on the highway
when transferring you license from another country they revoke the old one, so you can’t drive with two licenses.
when you have permanently lost the physical requisites.
Revisione della patente succede quando:
revision, review of technical competence.
driving while intoxicated
accident caused serious injury to people or things.
when doubts arise that the driver is still in possession of physical/psychological requisites.
When should you use i fari/luce anabagliante?
always in gallerie, durring intense rain, fog, snow. When transporting sick people.
In city center during the day, you dont use them until. (1/2 hour after sunset and half an hour before sunrise you should use the lights in a built-up area).
When should you use i fari/luce abagliante?
at night, in tunnels that lack other lighting
Lo spazio (distanza) di arresto e’ la somma di due tratti di strada (sum of two distances) ____ & ____.
spazio del tempo di reazione
Spazio di frenatura.
the equation for distrance travelled during “tempo di reazione” is ____.
speed of vehicle X reflexes = distance traveled.
km/10 x 3
50km/10 x3 = 15meters traveled.
what is the minimum safe distance behind a snowplow truck
20 meters
outside built-up areas: what is the minimum safe distance behind a truck bigger than 3.5 tons, in a no-passing zone (for trucks)
100 meters
motoveicoli & ciclomotori must use headlights (luce anabagliante) ____.
always, and also use in city center during the day too.
What do the various parking line colors mean?
yellow: reserved for bus, taxi, disabled, residents.
white: free parking
blue : paid parking
Is parking or stopping allowed where a curb is painted yellow or black?
only stopping is allowed, not parking.
Is parking or stopping allowed where there are “strisce di limitazione di fermata autobus”?
only stopping is allowed, not parking. you can also pass through it.
who can enter zona pedonale?
zone pedonale is limited to pedestrians.
sometimes cyclists are allowed to use the zona pedonale if ‘eccetto velocipedi’ is stated.
Spazio totale di arresto e complessiva di ___+____
spazio di reazione + spazio di frenatura
how long can traffic cones be used to mark something?
2 days
It is obligatory to apply signs indicating the maximum velocity for vehicles with trailers (autotreni, autovetture con rimorchio, ex: van towing a camper, car towing a boat, commercial semi-tractor-trailer that tows another trailer in addition to the first trailer) up to ____ tonnes. the velocity is
___km/hr for autostrade
___km/hr for strade extraurbane
3.5 tonnes
80 km/hr for autostrade
70 km/hr for strade extraurbane
The secure distance (distanza di sicurezza) should be at least equal to the meters travels during the time of reaction.
So, for the time of reaction, if the car is going 50km/h that means that the secure distance should be 15km. Therefore, the secure distance should be greater than this.
If the velocity doubles, the braking distance _______.
If the velocity triples, the braking distance _______.
If the velocity quadruples, the braking distance _______.
increases by 9x’s
increases by 16x’s
The carriageway includes what?
lanes for traffic, pedestrian crossing, (including normal traffic, passing, speed variation, reserved.)
It does not include: emergency lanes, footpaths, cyclepaths, hard shoulders or piazzole, spartitraffico