Ingombro Della Carregiata e Trasporto di persone Flashcards
If there carriageway is blocked due to a broken down vehicle or load. the driver must clear the way. If they are not able to clear the way, they must:
- warn of the obstruction with the triangle
- if there is bad visibility, the driver or someone else must give manual signals (segnale manuale di avviso).
- Inform the police or l’ente propreitario (owner)
the triangle must be place at least ____meters before the hazard. ____ for autostrade e strade extraurbane.
50 Meters
100 meters
the triangle must be at least ___meters away from the outer edge (bordo) of the carriageway.
1 meter
MOT test
road worthiness test for vehicles.
sulle Autostrade e strade extraurbane principale you are not allowed to perform the following:____
u-turns (invertire)
cross the central reservation (attraversare lo spartitraffico)
you cannot tow a vehicle that is not a trailer,
use high-beams (in areas that already have sufficient illumination.)
pickup hitchhikers or ask for a ride (richiedere o concedere passaggi.
you should not stop to help a broken down vehicle.
sulle Autostrade e strade extraurbane principale you must do the following:____
use your dipped headlights
The maximum stopping time on the autostrade e extraurbane principale is ____
3 hours. (after which you car may be towed)
If you car breaks down and you cannot make it to an emergency layby you must:
use the triangle, places 100 meters out,
keep the parking lights on
on autostrade Drivers of vehicles of gross weight over___ must use the 2 lanes closest to the right hand side of the carriageway (when there 3 or more lanes).
5 tons
on autostrade Drivers of vehicles of total length over___ must use the 2 lanes closest to the right hand side of the carriageway (when there 3 or more lanes)
7 meters
motobikes (motocicli) cannot transport persons under the age of ____ years
5 years
maximum permitted rear overhang is ____
3/10 of the length of the vehicle. LONGITUDINALLY
items may overhang sideways from the vehicle (laterally/larghezza) but cannot extend by ore than___.
30 centimeters LATERALLY
on motocicli e ciclomotori, objects/carried loads must not protrude more than _____ laterally or longitudinally.
50 centimeters LATERALLY
trucks (autocarri) over _____tons must have retroreflective panels.
The panel is colored with______.
3.5 tonnes
panello a strice oblique gialle e rosse.
They must also have strice posterior e laterali retrorilettenti.
Trailers or semi-trailers (remorchi e semirimorchi) over _____tons must have retroreflective panels.
The panel is colored with______.
3.5 tonnes
panello giallo con bordo rosso
They must also have strice posterior e laterali retrorilettenti.
Vehicles carrying hazardous goods (Merci Pericolose) require a panel on the front and back indicating _____ and ______.
Tipo di pericolo (type of hazard)
Tipo di materia (type of substance being transported.)
Example, 33= very flamible, 1203=petrol
Towing: you can tow another car if it is under _____3.5 tonnes and has one of three signs/signals:____.
3.5 tonnes
Hazard Triangle, overhanging load, or flashing hazard lights.
L’assicurazione Rca, Responsabilità civile autoveicoli, è la polizza che copre i danni causati a terzi da parte del veicolo assicurato: in base all’art. 22 del Codice delle Assicurazioni, questo tipo di polizza rappresenta la copertura minima per circolare su strade di uso pubblico o aree equiparate, in modo da garantire il giusto risarcimento ai soggetti danneggiati indipendentemente dalle disponibilità economiche del responsabile di un sinistro.