question plans/structuring different mark questions Flashcards
evaluate the cognitive interview technique as a way of improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony (6 marks)
- can lead to more correct information, however can also increase inaccurate information
- this has negative economic implications - inc. incorrect information waste of police resources
- Geiselman disputes - argues that incorrect information isnt increased
- require extra training and investment so may not always be available
- smaller forces may have limited resources that can’t be invested into intensive training
- means not all EWT can have improved accuracy through use of cognitive interview
- cognitive interview techniques may be related to age of witness
- research shows CI helps increase recall for older participants
- strength - as it shows it can improve accuracy of EWT
Anxiety and EWT (16 marks)
AO1 - 6 marks = Johnson and Scott weapon focus effect study
- 2 conditions: 1 was anxiety condition with knife and argument, 2 was non-anxiety eith pen and discussion
- asked to identify person from 50 photos
- anxiety condition = 33%
- non-anxiety = 49%
- shows how weapon focus can have negative effect on EWT
AO3 - 10 marks =
- Yuille and Cutshall (refute) - anxiety didnt have an effect on accuracy of EWT in a real-life situation
- Method of Johnson and Scott (weakness) - lack ecological validity, lab at university, could have demand characteristics = unnatural behaviour, undermines idea that anxiety affects EWT
- Ethics of Johnson and Scott (negative) - subjected to high levels of distress, subject to deception