Question 5 Flashcards
5.1 Explain what you understand your role to be when appointed as the
principal Consultant (10)
Answer to 5.1 (10)
Any 10
The principal consultant is the entity appointed by the developer to
administer and manage the services of the consultant and other consultants
i.e. he is the leader and co-ordinator of the professional team (1)
As principal consultant I would be responsible for:
* Facilitating the development of a clear project brief (1)
* Establishing the procurement policy for the project (1)
* Assisting the client in the appointment of other consultants required for
the project (1)
* Defining the consultant’s scope of work and scope of services (1)
* Arranging and chairing the professional team meetings and recording
the minutes of such meetings (1)
* Ensuring that all of the other consultants understand the client’s brief Developing the documentation and provisional construction program
with the other consultants (1)
* Obtaining the client’s approval for the various stages of work (1)
* Reporting to the client on progress and budgetary matters (1)
* Ensuring the requirement for meeting statutory consents and
approvals (1)
5.2 List any two advantages and any two disadvantages to the architect
when he engages the other professional consultants and quotes a
single fee to the client. (4)
Answers to 5.2 (4)
* he has the ability of selecting consultants with whom he has worked
previously and knows their capabilities. (1)
* he can expect to have better control over the other consultants – he
has the power to fire a consultant who doesn’t perform adequately (1)
* he can claim a portion of the joint fee for fulfilling the role of team
leader and team co-ordinator (principal consultant) (1)
* he carries a greater responsibility and risk of liability if any consultant is
negligent (1)
* he would need to negotiate a special professional indemnity insurance
policy probably at a higher premium (1)
* he carries the responsibility of paying fees to the consultants even
when not paid by the client unless a ‘pay when paid’ condition is
included in their contractual agreement (1)
* he will need to ensure that he is not transgressing the statutory
regulations of the other professions. (1)
5.3 You have decided to join a colleague in a new two man practice.
Name any two types of practice you could form. (2
Answers to 5.3
Any two (2)
* Private company (PTY) Ltd (1)
* Incorporated company (Inc) (1)
* Close corporation (1)
* Partnership (1)
5.4 Name any 6 items that should be included when drawing up a
partnership agreement, articles of association or company rules (6)
Answer to 5.4 (6)
Any 6 of the following (1 point each):
Management structures
Profit and loss
Leave and sick leave
Practice liabilities
Introduction of new partners/directors
Professional consultants
Restraint of trade
Operating capital
Vehicles and travelling costs
5.6 According to the SAIA Client-Architect Agreement there are two options
provided for resolution of disagreements between client and architect,
name them. (2)
Answer to 5.6 (2)
Mediation (1)
Arbitration (1)
5.7 Which option for resolution of a disagreement would you recommend to
ensure an amicable working relationship thereafter? (1)
Answer to 5.7
Mediation (1)