Question 2 Flashcards
2.1 In terms of the SACAP Code of Professional Conduct published in Board
Notice 154 of 2009, Rule 4 Professional Responsibilities, states that a
registered person shall not:
“undertake to perform work for remuneration unless the registered
person has clearly set out the terms of the appointment”
List five items specifically mentioned in this rule which are to be included
in the terms of appointment. (5)
Answer to 2.1 (5)
Any 5
2.2.1 The scope of the work (1)
2.2.2 The allocation of responsibilities (1)
2.2.3 The limitation of responsibilities (1)
2.2.4 The fee or method of calculating it (1)
2.2.5 Provisions for termination (1)
2.2.6 Details of professional indemnity insurance (1)
2.2.7 The services provided (1)
2.2.8 Fee payable for the work or services,
2.2.9 The method of calculating it (if appropriate) and (1)
2.2.10 The stage(s) at which it will be payable (1)
2.2.11 The budget (if applicable) or other cost limit for the project, work
or service, and the (1)
2.2.12 Method and implication of estimating costs (1)
2.2.13 Provision for dispute resolution (1)
2.2 Provide a definition for the Professional Team. (3)
Answers to 2.2
Those consultants engaged by a client to realize his objective for a
project to be designed, documented and constructed. (3)
2.3 In terms of Rule 6 of the Code of Conduct, what prescriptions are given
to guide the registered person when executing work outside the
borders of South Africa. (3)
Answer to 2.3 (3)
Conduct in accordance with officially recognised standards and rules of
professional conduct in the country concerned (1)
If no rules exist, the rules of SA shall apply (1)
Shall collaborate with a local architect to ensure that legal, social,
environmental, cultural and heritage factors are addressed (1)
2.4 Which Category of Registration can submit building plans to Local
Authority or Municipality for approval? (4)
Answer to 2.4 (4)
Any 4
Only a ‘Professional’ registered person can submit building plans, such as – (1)
Professional Architect (Pr Arch)
Professional Senior Architectural Technologist (PSAT)
Professional Architectural Technologist (PAT)
Professional Architectural Draughtsperson (PAD) (4)
Furthermore, in terms of section 18 (2) and (3) of the Act it states that:
A person may not practise in any of the categories contemplated in
subsection (1)
unless he or she is registered in that category. (1)
A person who is registered in the category of candidate must perform
work in the architectural profession only under the supervision and
control of a professional of a category as prescribed i.e. a Mentor or
Supervisor in accordance with the SACAP PRACTICAL TRAINING