Question 3 Flashcards
What is question 3, Lang paper 2?
-Language Question.
-It is the same as Lang Paper 1 Q2 but more marks.
-It will ask:
“How does the writer use language to explain x?”
How many marks is Lang Paper 2 Question 3?
12 marks, 15-17 mins
Different language techniques
Semantic field, Adjectives, juxtaposition, oxymorons, imagery, biased phrases, statistics and facts
DONTs for question 3:
-Look for language techniques first, it examiners know when you’re spotting them because your answers won’t seem as genuine
-Mention context. CONTEXT IS NOT NEEDED FOR Q3!!!
DOs for question 3:
-Make sure you’re saying “why”. you are tracing back your ideas
-explain effect of technique
Mark scheme for question 3
-HOW does language technique create meaning- WHY does it show what you said
-short, embedded quotes
-make sure your understand what the language technique is and what is does
Structure for Language paper 2, Q3
2x of these paragraphs:
-technique + evidence
-analysis (embed another quote)
-technique 2+ evidence 2
-zoom in on word +technique +analysis
-alternative analysis
it is WHY- use “as” or “because”.
analysis is worth most of the marks for this Question
sentence starters for Question 3 lang paper 2
-The writer develops an image of… through the [technique e.g. metaphor]
-the personification on [quote]…
-symbolising, suggesting, establishing…
-the diction (choice of word) on [quote]….
-the lexis on [quote]…