Question 2 Flashcards
What is the Question?
Comparing two sources. NO TECHNIQUES
How many marks?
8 marks. Spend 8-10 mins.
Comparative words
The question will ask you for similarities or differences.
Similar: similar, analogously, akin to, this is parallel…
Different: however, unalike to, contrastingly, this juxtaposes…
-Read question carefully. It will tell you what you’re looking for.
-Find a difference or similarity.
-Make 2-3 comparisons.
-Analyse what you’ve written: “What do these things lead me to believe?”
-Think about language techniques.
-Spend too long on this question
Mark scheme for Lang Paper 2, Question 2:
-Pick out insightful points that are clearly explained
-Short, embedded quotes
-Explain differences
What is analysis?
Basically saying what the quote suggests.
Think about what would the quote say if it was going to say it on different words
Structure for Question 2, Language paper 2
Each paragraph: (do x2)
-Point about source A
-Comparision with source B (explained)
-Point about source B
Sentence starters
- The […] in source A has a…
-Within source A, the writer presents…
-This suggests, compounds, highlights, demonstrating
-On the other hand, source B explores…
-Similarly, both sources…
-In source B it is clear that…
-It is evident in source B that…
Whats a good idea to let the examiner think you’re really impressive?
Add little one sentence links to the point. e.g. When doing comparison with Source B, add a simple link to your source A point