Quest Flashcards
Good things the 1920s gave
increased freedom, technology, higher standards of living, music: jazz and blues
Bad thing the 1920s gave us
illegallization of liquor/ corruption, organized crime, economic crisis, the revival of the KKK
Calvin Coolidge quote
“the chief business of the american people is business”
Improved tech in 1920s was because factories adapted
moving assembly line, perfected by Henry Ford
Labor saving tech
Vacuum, toaster, refrigerator, washing machine
Babe Ruth, Charles Lindbourgh, Rudolph Valentino, Enrico Caruso
Cultural center for black americans
Usa produced 85% of the worlds
USa produced 40% of the worlds
manufactured goods
Big three automobile dealers
Ford, Chrysler, General Motors
Twenties Roar
jazz age
dance age
age of prohibition
Red Scare
1917-Communists (Bolsheviks) killed the last Czar, took control of the Russian government and people worried about radical communism spreading to the USA
Palmer Raids: attack on people’s liberties
Lucky Lindy
Charles lindbergh
over atlantic ocean
All That Jazz
New style of music: Uniquely American, improvised, influences from Europe/Africa
Louis Armstrong; New Orleans
Jazz and Blues, born in the South, spread to Northern cities via “The Great Migration”
Monkey Trial
Small Tennessee town, teaching Darwin’s Theory of Evolution vs. Bible story of creation
Bryan (creationism wins), but he pays Scope’s fine
Social Security:
The last new deal that survived created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers aged 65 or older a continuing income after retirement.
New Deal
a group organization put in place by FDR
Calvin Coolidge
30th president; Elected in his own right in 1924, Coolidge gained a reputation as a small-government conservative distinguished by a taciturn personality and dry sense of humor, receiving the nickname “Silent Cal”
Charles Lindbergh
the first person to fly solo and nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean in his monoplane, the St. Louis