Quark Mixing, CP Violation, Neutrino Oscillations and the Seesaw Mechanism Flashcards
Where do fermion masses come from?
- fermion masses come from interaction with the scalar field
- allowed interactions must obey Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance
Allowed Interactions of Quarks
- quarks are given masses by their interactions with the scalar field
- the allowed interactions do not constrain the quarks to couple just to their own generations
- e.g. the left-chiral down quark could couple with the right-chiral down quark but also with the right-chiral strange quark
- rather than giving a simple mass to each quark, we have managed to couple each left-chiral quark flavour to a complex combination of right chiral quarks
Quark Interactions
-the left-chiral up quark can couple to the right-chiral up quark:
i∂/ ul = λuu φ ur
-but coupling to right-chiral charm and top quarks is also allowed
i∂/ ul = λuc φ cr
i∂/ ul = λut φ tr
-this can be summarised in a matrix of λij
-after symmetry breaking this matrix becomes a mass matrix
Mass Matrix and Physical Quarks
- it doesn’t make sense to talk about different masses for the same particle so what does the mass matrix represent?
- physical quarks are eigenstates of the mass matrix: u,c,t
- flavour states: u’,c’,t’ are combinations of mass states
Why does the weak interaction violate quark flavours?
-flavour states, which are what the weak interaction see, are combinations of mass state, they themselves are not mass eigenstates
How do we find the mass eigenstates?
-diagonalise the mass matrix M by means of a similarity transformation:
M = U† Md U
-where Ms is the diagonalised matrix and U some unitary matrix
-this matrix U transforms between the flavour states d’, s’, b’ seen by the weak interaction and the states of defined mass d, s, b
-since the weak interaction is rare, we generally consider the mass eigenstates, the only physical significance of the flavour states is in weak interactions
Flavour-Changing Weak Current
- the flavour changing weak current is coupled to by the W± bosons
- the γ matrix acts in spinor space and U acts in flavour space so they always commute
- introduce the CKM matrix V=Uu†Ud
CKM Matrix for 2 Generations of Quark
- in the case of two generations of quark, V is 2x2 and complex-valued so has 8DoF
- V is unitary, V†V=1 which removes 4DoF leaving 4
- can show that there is a three-fold redundancy in V leaving only one 1DoF
CKM Matrix for 3 Generations of Quark
- V is 3x3 and unitary so 9DoF
- mixing between 3 up type quarks and 3 down type quarks means a five-fold redundancy leaving 4DoF
- but if we had 3DoF we could think of them as 3 rotations
- but different amounts of mixing between generations leads to 1 extra DoF leading to complex phase in the CKM matrix
CP Violation
- weak interaction violates CP symmetry
- violation comes from the complex phase in the CKM matrix
How do we show that complex couplings lead to CP violation?
-consider probability amplitude for some process, M
-then M is complex valued and can be written:
M = |M| e^(iα)
-note that M itself is not measurable, but |M|²=M*M is
-if the process can occur through two different routes then:
M = M1 + M2 = |M1|e^(iα1) + |M2|e^(iα2)
-if CP is not violated then M_, the probability amplitude for the conjugate process should be the same as M
-calculating |M|²-|M_|² find that the difference is only non-zero if the complex phase is non-zero i.e. presence of complex phase leads to CP violation
Where can we see CP violation?
- CP violation manifests itself in the decays of neutral mesons
- Ko and Ko_ mesons mix through quark mixing, Ko_ can spontaneously transform into Ko and vice versa
- since the quark flavours need not be conserved, we know that the flavour symmetries are not exact and the Hamiltonian is not invariant under flavour transformations
Ko and Ko_ Mixing
Mass Eigenstates
- the mass eigenstates are not the Ko and Ko_, but some linear combination of these flavours states
- if CP was an exact symmetry, then CP would commute with the Hamiltonian and the mass eigenstates and CP eigenstates would be identical
- i.e. we would expect physical states to be eigenstates of CP
K1 and K2
-consider the combined action of C and P on the flavour eigenstates of the kaon system: CP|Ko_⟩ = CP|sd_⟩ = |s_d⟩ = |Ko⟩ -similarly, CP|Ko⟩ =|Ko_⟩ => K1 = 1/√2 (|Ko⟩ + |Ko_⟩ ) K2 = 1/√2 (|Ko⟩ - |Ko_⟩ ) -where K1 and K2 are CP eigenstates: CP|K1⟩ = |K1⟩ CP|K2⟩ = -|K2⟩ -if CP is conserved, we expect these to be the physical states
Decay of K1
-since the K1 has positive ‘CP-parity’, it can only decay to CP=1 states
-the dominant decay mode is:
K1 -> π+ + π-