Introduction, Overview and Special Relativity Flashcards
overview, natural units, special relativity, lorentz transformations,
What is particle physics?
-the combination of quantum mechanics and special relativity
Classifying Particles
Quantum Mechanics
-quantum mechanics is described by a wave function, a function of the positions etc. of all the particles in a system
Classifying Particles
System of Two Particles
-consider a system of two particles with positions x1 and x2 with wavefunction:
Ψ = Ψ(x1,x2)
-if these particles are identical it seems obvious that:
Ψ(x1,x2) = Ψ(x2,x1)
Classifying Particles
Observing the Wavefunction
-the wavefunction itself is unobservable, we can only observe |Ψ|
-this means that for identical particles we actually only require:
|Ψ(x1,x2)|² = |Ψ(x2,x1|²
Classifying Particles
Exchange Operator
-define the exchange operator such that:
E Ψ(x1,x2) = Ψ(x2,x1)
-two exchanges must bring us back to the original state
EE Ψ(x1,x2) = Ψ(x1,x2)
=> E² = I (identity)
=> Ψ(x2,x1) = E Ψ(x1,x2) = ±Ψ(x1,x2)
-this gives two classes of particle, some require +, some require -
Classifying Particles
Boson Definition
-if Ψ(x1,x2) = Ψ(x2,x1), then particles are bosons
Classifying Particles
Fermion Definition
-if Ψ(x1,x2) = -Ψ(x2,x1), then particles are fermions
Classifying Particles
Pauli Exclusion Principle
- it is easy to check that fermions (and only fermions) obey the Pauli exclusion principle
- i.e. that two particles cannot be in exactly the same state
The Standard Model
- Bosons
- -fundamental bosons
- –gauge bosons
- —photon
- —gluons (x8)
- —weak bosons (W+,W-,Z0)
- –Higgs
- -hadron bosons
- –mesons (π+,π0,…)
- Fermions
- -fundamental fermions
- –leptons
- –quarks
- -hadron fermions
- –baryons
Spin in the Standard Model
- leptons and quarks are spin 1/2
- higgs are spin 0
- gauge bosons are spin 1
Fermions and Gauge Bosons
-fermions can be thought of as ‘matter particles’ and the gauge bosons as ‘force particles’ that mediate interaction between other particles
Generations of Fermions
- fundamental fermions come in three generations
- mass increases for each generation
- gen I
- -quarks: u,d
- -leptons: νe, e
- gen II
- -quarks: c, s
- -leptons: νμ, μ
- gen III
- -quarks: t, b
- -leptons: ντ, τ
Forces in the Standard Model
- there exist four known fundamental forces; gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear
- in the standard model there are only three, we ignore gravity
- this is OK as the effect of gravity at particle scales is negligible in comparison to the other forces
- the photon carries the EM force, gluons mediate the strong force holding quarks together in hadrons and weak bosons (W+, W-, Z0 mediate the weak force, responsible for β-decay
Feynman Diagrams
Real and Virtual Particles
- external lines in a feynman diagram are observable particles, we call them real particles
- internal lines are not observable since the act of observation would prevent the interaction, these are called virtual particles since we can’t be sure that they exist at all, they may just serve as a useful mathematical tool
Feynman Diagrams
The Mass Shell
-real particles are energy and momentum eigenstates so have well defined energy and momentum and a correct relationship between E and p, i.e.:
E² = p²c² + m²c^4
-where m is the particle mass
-this relation does not hold true for virtual particles
-we say that real particles are ‘on the mass shell’ or ‘on shell’ whereas virtual particles are ‘off shell’
-note that particles that are ‘on shell’ can have negative energy
Natural Units
-from a relativistic perspective we exist in 4D space time, three spatial dimensions and time
-it therefore makes sense to use units which can be standardised in all directions
-set c=1
-as we are also considering quantum mechanics we set ħ=1
-this leaves us with only one unit, typically the MeV is chosen
E, p, m measured in MeV
x, t measured in 1/MeV
L, v unitless
-where L is angular momentum