Measurable Quantities, Conservation Laws and Hadrons Flashcards
What quantities can be measured in particle physics?
- decay rate of unstable particles
- cross sections of collisions
Fermi’s Golden Rule
-transition rate for an allowed process is:
Γif = 2π |Mfi|² * (phase space)
-where Γif is the transition rate form initial state i to final state f
-Mfi is the transition amplitude, the probability amplitude going from initial to final states
-phase space is the number of allowed final states
Decay Rates
-if particles can decay through multiple channels, then:
Γ = ΣΓi
-where Γ is the total decay rate
-and Γi is the rate of decay to a particular final state
Particle, mass m, decays to n final states through one particular channel with momenta p_k
-golden rule becomes:
dΓi = |Mfi|²/2m d³p1/(2π)³2E1…d³pn/(2π)³2En (2π)^4 δ^4 (po - Σpk)
Cross Section
- a measure of how often two colliding particles produce a particular final state
- this is an intrinsic property
Cross Section
- a typical experiment will accelerate bunches of particles towards each other (most will miss) some collide and their collision energy can produce new particles
- the rate at which this happens depends on experimental parameters e.g. target density, beam flux etc.
- but these parameters can be factored out for the intrinsic cross section
Cross Section
Golden Rule
-total cross section is denoted, σ
dσ = |Mfi|²/[4(√(k1[-k2)²-m1²m2²]]
d³p1/[(2π)³2E1] … d³pn/[(2π)³2En (2π)^4 δ^4 [k1+k1-Σpf]
-so total σ is the integral over this over p1…pn
How to find Mfi?
-Mfi is the amplitude of the probability of going from i to f:
Mfi = ⟨f|Ef|i⟩
-to find Mfi, add up all of the possible Feyman diagrams for the interaction
-every aspect of a Feynman diagram represents an algebraic quantity
-this could be an infinite number of interactions…
Feynman Diagrams
-each vertex carries a factor of e for photon ‘interactions’ where:
e = EM coupling
-so when adding up the possible interactions to find Mfi, the more complex Feynman diagrams have more vertices so are proportional to higher powers of e
-since e«1, these terms can be neglected and we can take the simplest form as a good approximation
How to know which vertices are allowed?
-conservation laws
Conservation Laws
Noether’s Theorem
- there are lots of conserved quantities in particle physics
- many of them derive from continuous symmetries via ‘Noether’s Theorem:
- -if you have a continuous symmetry in a physical system, there is a corresponding conserved quantity
Conservation Laws
Symmetries and Conserved Quantities
- spatial translation -> momentum
- time translation -> energy
- rotational -> angular momentum
- boost -> motion of centre of mass
- phase shift -> charge (not just EM charge, any kind of quantum no. can be though of as a charge)
- strong phase invariance -> colour
Conservation Laws
Feynman Diagrams
-any vertex in a Feynman diagram must conserve momentum, energy etc. and also electric charge etc.
How do we find conserved quantities?
-by looking for forbidden processes
Baryon Number
1 for baryons -1 for anti baryons 0 for mesons \+1/3 quarks -1/3 anti quarks
Allowed Interactions of the Standard Model
Fermions and Gauge Bosons
- charger fermion to charged fermion via photon
- quark to quark via gluon
- any fermion to weak partner via W boson
- any fermion to any fermion via Zo
Allowed Interactions of the Standard Model
Gauge Bosons
- W+, W- and photon
- three gluons
- four gluons
- Zo, W+, W-
- there also four point weak interactions (many combinations)
Allowed Interactions of the Standard Model
Higgs Interactions
-any fermion to any fermion via Higgs
- experimentally observed hadrons come in groups of similar mass e.g. (p,n), (Σ-,Σo,Σ+)
- know that a spin 1/2 particle has two states and a spin 3/2 has four states etc.
- introduce isospin that behaves in the same way
- i.e. that p,n and Σ-,Σo,Σ+ are different states of one particle which is not correct but the maths leads to useful properties