Quantum Circuits Flashcards
Quantum Logic
A or B /= B or A
(1)Measure in the vertical direction if +1 stop the proposition is true
(2)else measure in the horizontal direction if +1 it is true
else it is false
Consider the electron goes upward then:
(1) is true
but if we measure in the horizontal direction (2) is true with 1/2 probability if false we measure (1) the spin has been destroyed by the measurement and there is 1/2 to be upward or downward. Overall 0.25 to be false !
=> A or B /= B or A
A and B uncertain principle
Operations on entangled states
although entangled space are not separable, separable operations can be applied to them
Quantum circuits
Represent the evolution of the quantum system
State of system described by tensor product of the components. The operators can be applied on each state by tensor of identity matrices and unitary matrices: (X (x) I ) |phi>
initial state
Wires are the lines and it indicate information flow of qbits: left to right
Boxes are the unitary operators
then measurement gate: on 1 or all qbits
CNOT operator circuit
Applied on 2 qbits, 1 is useless Control bit is black dot Target bit is (+) The control bit is unchanged The target bit is XOR of x, y : x(+)y. If control = 0, unchanged, if control = 1, target switched NOT(x,y)->(x,x(+)y) 3 CNOT makes a swap operator
CNOT operator circuit non adjacent bits
SWAP apply CNOT and SWAP again
if target is on 1st qbit and target on 3rd qbit, swap 2nd and 3rd:
1st unchanged, 3rd unchanged, 1st unchanged
SWAP and CNOT are a unitary transformation on 2 bits
Quantum gates
can do everything with just H and CNOT (+ T to change base)
Gottesman Kill Theorem
X,Y,Z,H,CNOT quantum circuits can be efficiently simulated by a classical machine