Postulates of Quantum Mechanics Flashcards
Quantum Mechanics
Framework for the development of physical theories aside of gravity.
Postulates of Quantum Mecanics
4 postulates
- State space: how can a quantum state be described
- Evolution: how a quantum state is allowed to change over time
- Measurement: effect on a quantum state of interaction with a classical system that yields to classical information
- Composition: how quantum systems can be composed ?
State space
State is an inner product of vectors in a vector space. System completely described by a unit vector that is its state vector.
The evolution over time of quantum system from on step to the next is described by U|s>
U is a unitary transformation and s the current state.
Unitary makes sure it is a valid superposition -> sum of the amplitudes squared are 1 -> we preserve length
Unitary Matrix
invM=M transposed
They have orthogonal columns and are diagonalizable => eigenvalues 0
inner products are preserved
if U done on a state |s> with an amplitude with opposite sign then there will be a destructive interference: that outcome is cancelled
2x2 to transform qbit of 2
4x4 to transform 2qbits
Quantum interference
probas can be negative in quantum and thus have destructive interferance : an outcome is cancelled
Total probability
length -> inner product |>
Pauli matrices
operators X,Y,Z
pauli matrix Flip operator effect on standard base X|0> = |1> X|1> = |0> X = [0 1;1 0]
pauli matrix effect on standard base Y|0> = i|1> Y|1> = -i|0> Y = i [0 -1;1 0] flips, change sign and put in complex space -> phase change
pauli matrix effect on standard base Z=[1 0;0 -1] Z|0> = |0> Z|1> = -|1> sign change -> phase bit is unchanged
Hadarmard matrix H = 1/sqrt(2) [ 1 1; 1 -1] effect on standard base H|0> = 1/sqrt(2)(|0> + |1>) = |+> = right H|1> = 1/sqrt(2)(|0>-|1>) = |-> = left Totally random states !! It is reversible Hright = |0> Hleft = |1>
Mutliple qbits
eg: |00>
vector of 4 amplitudes
tensor of the 2 bits
state space of composite is the tensor product of all the components
if system made of |q1> and |q2> then |phi>=|q1>|q2>