Math of Qbits Flashcards
Observing state -> makes the superposition collapse into a single state with the corresponding probability (Born’s rule)
This is irreversible ! -> no matter how many times we measure again: stays in the collapsed state
As long as same orientation, otherwise direction depend on orientation
if |phi> makes angle theta with |0> => |phi> = cos theta |0> + sin theta |1>
Measurement -> projection onto standard base with corresponding probas
S-G expirement rotating the magnet
90° go from up down to right left. Change of measurement base ! 50% of either direction: superposition.
-> superposition depends on direction of measurement
Rotating the apparatus by 90° this means having an angle theta of 45° between the bases -> the angles are not the same ! theta apparatus angle, theta/2 base angle
Superposition basic states
2 superposition can have the same probabilities of collapsing to a basic state but if 1 has different signs in amplitude then they are different!
Basic state 0,1
0 (up), 1 (down)
|phi> = a|0> + b|1>
Basic state can be represented by vector of amplitudes
2 dimensional vector in complex or real space!
Normalized -> length 1 (sqrt(a^2+b^2=1) -> the amplitudes squared are the proba that must sum to 1)
|0> = (1 0)^t |1>=(0 1)^t
Graphical representation:
0(up) is x axis, 1(down) is y axis
> column vector
quantum quantities are described by kets
|a+b>=|b+a> just sum the corresponding indices
inner product: <a> row then column
0 if orthogonal, >0 pointing in same direction, <0 pointing in opposite direction
Length ket = sqrt(</a><a>)</a>
Measuring in another basis
Base makes angle theta with the starting states.
new base |u> (x axis) |u’> (y axis) will be
|phi> = cos theta |u> + sin theta |u’>
|u> = 1/sqrt(2) |0> + 1/sqrt(2) |1>
|u’> = - 1/sqrt(2) |0> + 1/sqrt(2) |1>
This measure if the Qbit is in the superposition in u or u’ of the starting base
=> measure if u or u’ state
Evolution quantum system
states are vectors in a vector space and the transformations of the quantum systems are linear operators.
Matrix multiplication
row multiplied by all columns.
Orthonormal base
all kets orthogonal to each other: inner product = 0
all kets normal: inner product itself = 1
Basic state right, left
|right> = [1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)] |left>=[1/sqrt(2) -1/sqrt(2)]
Tensor product
To describe the evolution of the quantum system
A(X)B = [aiB]
Linear combination basis vector
|a> = [ a1 a2]^t = a1[1 0]^t + a2[0 1]^t in right left: (a1+a2)/sqrt(2) right + (a1-a2)/sqrt(2) left in general basis |b1> |b2> |v> = w1|b1> +w2|b2> wi =
Change of base
M = matrix of the new basis
|s> = state
change of base = M|s> = |s’>
Equivalent state
Distinguish 2 state with same proba but different amplitude
Just measuring will collapse with same proba so not distinguishable
even by changing base it is not possible ! will keep getting same probas.
|phi> and -|phi> are undistinguishable
but [a b] and [a -b] are distinguishable when changing state