Quantitative Lecture 1 Flashcards
What contributions did Descartes make to psychology?
Descartes introduced Rationalism and Mind-Body Dualism, asserting that the mind and body are separate but interact.
Cartesian Dualism: The mind and body are separate but interact (thought to be through the pineal gland).
What is John Locke’s theory regarding knowledge?
Locke proposed that we are born as a blank slate (tabula rasa) and that knowledge is constructed through experiences, emphasizing Empiricism.
Locke’s theory influenced the Behaviourism movement.
What is Psychophysics?
Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between sensations and physical stimuli, developed by Gustav Fechner.
What is the significance of Wilhelm Wundt in psychology?
Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in 1879 and developed experimental methods like Structuralism and Introspection.
What is Darwin’s contribution to psychology?
Darwin’s theory of Functionalism examines how behavior and mental processes adapt individuals to their environment, leading to the study of individual differences.
Who was Francis Galton and what were his beliefs?
Galton, influenced by Darwin, believed intelligence is inherent and advocated for eugenics, measuring and classifying human abilities.
What legacy did Galton leave in psychology?
Galton contributed to questionnaire design, normal distribution, intelligence tests, correlation, and twin studies methodology.
What is the definition of empirical knowledge?
Empirical knowledge is verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.
What is the difference between deductive and inductive reasoning?
Deductive reasoning tests existing theories, while inductive reasoning generates probable conclusions from specific observations.
What did Karl Popper argue about induction?
Popper criticized induction for assuming that past rules will hold in the future, highlighting the difference between verification and falsification.