Quantitative Genetics Flashcards
Change in persective in Quanatative genetics
Before = looking at perspective of “measured genotypes”
- Before = looking at variation in S/R varies as a function of traits
- Pop gene = looking at allele frequncey
NOW = Moving to look at phenotypes directley –
not keeping track of underlying alleles
Reconciling Mendle
Reconcile understanding of genetics (Mendle) With fact that most varaition is not as discrete as the trait he used
- Most traits = more complex (not just short vs. tall)
Needed to reconcile trait varaition with mendelian genetics
Quantative genetics (overall)
How does heritability operate in traits with continous quanative values
- QG = study of continous penotypic varaition
Subfeild of evolutionary biology focused on understanding the evolution of continous phenotypuc varaition
Continous Phenotypic varaition
Take any numeric value
How do discrete units (genes) results in continuous phenotypic variation?
- Environmental condition acting on genetic variation
- Environmental variation = Get continuous range of variation
- Envirnmental vraition acting on top of genetoc varaition
- Epistasis –> interaction between 2 loci –> interaction
- More than one gene
- Many genes = get continuous trait perhaps without environmental variation
- Could be epistasis or additive –> could lead to continous
- Additive = influnece indepndtley = contubute independentley
Ex. Height – based on genotype and environment (condition of soil drive)
Discrete units of heredity
One allele or another – Diploid/haploid = genetic variation = discrete (either or)
Discrete units of heredity
One allele or another – Diploid/haploid = genetic variation = discrete (either or)
Loci and number of genotypes
1 locus (2 alleles) = 3 gentypes –> can have 3 phenotypes (if control for envirnmnet)
2 genes (2 loci) = can get 5 genotypes
6 genes = get much larger number of genotypes
More loci = get complete continiuity amount of phenotypes
- More genes = more continous phenotypes appear because increase number of genotypes
***True in nature – many polygenetic
Distribution of traits (based on genotype)
If genotypes is only driver of phenotype = get continous bell curve distrabution based on genotype alone
More loci = get complete continiuity amount of phenotypes
- If increase genotypic states = get bell curve based on genotypic varaition alone
Example quanative trait
- Height
We know heretible – genetic is hard to detect because so many genes involoved
- See highly hertible but due to small effect of many genes scattered throughout genome
- Have lots of genes of fairley small effect
2. Skin color –> polygenic component
- Can have continous distrbution with fewer genes
- Have around 5 genes that ave strong effect that play a role
- 5 genes –> in the same envirnmnet = produce ocntinous varaition in melanin concentration in skin
- Less genes of strong effect
What affects most traits
Many traits = affecetd by both genetic and environmental
- Many phenotype have contibution of envirnment and genetic
- MOst traits = result of bot polygenic effects and envirnmntal effects
Quanatative genetics = allows us to look at both simultaneously
What traits have no envirnmental impact
Usually traits at molecular level
Example – Carb molecule
Many genes are determined by allelic varaition at multiple loci = Polygenic or qunatative traiots
Use of quanatative traits
Quanatative genetics = gives us the toolkut to understand the link between multi locus genotypes and phenotypes
Allows us to understand how NS operates on these traits
QG = explains patterms of =heretability + explains how NS acts on fitness when have complex variation
Assumption in continous traits
Continous traits = assume traits influneced by multiple genes
Quanatative trait
Continous varaible + result of multiple genes = polygenic affects of the traits
Example Polygenic + envirnmental effect
- Warms
Selecting for thermal reaction norms
- Temperature affects outcome + genotype affects outcome – G X E
Example of trait with continous varaition driven by envirnment (temeprature) and genotype
- Gulls – Polygenic + envirnmntal affects drives contonous varaition
- heretibility = influences genotype on gull size
- ALSO have envirnmental varaition (rain + soil + temp.)
- Genotype of plant could affect gull size (envirnmental affect from perspective of fly)
- Gall = have envirnmental varaition based on plant genotype (not own genomes = envirnmental varaition for fly)
NS on gall Size
We looked at fitness vs. Gall size –> NS is likley acting oin it –> How dow we scale NS determantistic force here
Before = did it at phenotypic level
NOW – can you preseict what will happen at te next generation
What do we need to know to predict what will happen with NS in the next generation?
- How many phenotypes are possible (measure of varaition in trait)
- Need to know if phenotypic varaition is heretible + how heretible it is
- Need to know how heretible traits are
Overall: Need to know phenotypic varaition + how much varaiation is heretible
- With this = can predict what will happen to phenotype across generations without having to know all genes and alleles involoved
- Need to know the relationship between the phenotype and fitness AND the proportion of phenotypic varaition driven by fitness
Here we mean varaince in statistical sense
- If it is contionous – how muc varaince is there in continous traits
Calculating Varaition
Overall: Square deviation from expected mean
- Avergage deiviation of individula trait value vs. popultion mean –> avergae of how far off indiviudal is from mean
Varaince = 1/n-1 X (SUm of (Xi - X/)^2
1/n-1 (Sum) – sum X 1/n –> Summing and dividing by number of samples = getting an average
- The sum is the deviation of each data point X from the mean - squared
(Xi-X/)^2 –
- Difference if Xi trait value from mean trait value X/ –> Looking at average difference of deviation from mean
- Looking at distance from mean
Square – because –> to make all posible numbers = can look at variation on both sides –> what matters is tge distance from mean not if it is larger or smaller
***Varaince = easy to measure in popultion
***Can do it for any trait value
Low vs. high varaince
Low varaince = everyone is closer to being the same
High varaince = far from mean
Overall phenotypic varaition
Vp – overall trait varaince
What affects Vp
Vp = result of the additive effects of genetic and envirnmental components of phenotypic varaince
- Result of polygenic affects + envirnmental affects
Genes drive varaition + envirnment drives varaition –> Do so in ADDITIVE WAY
- Varaition by genes and varaition by envirnment add together
Findiong Vp
Gene and envirnemnt affect Vp in adidtive way –> Additive relationship between genes and envirnment (easy to comvine genetic and envirnmental varaince)
Vp = Vg + VE
- Vg = variance effects due to genes
- Ve –> Varaince due to envinment
VGXE = can be determined too BUT that seperate source of variance also forms an additive component of Vp and is often lumped in with Ve
- VGXE = another aditive effect –> also adds in additive way to total phenotypic variance
Vp = Vg + Ve = VGXE
What can NS act on
NS can only act on heretible varaition to cause chnage in one generation to the next
- Whether something is heritable or not is not just yes or no –> genes are heretible BUT envirnment is not heretible –> NEED to quantofy partial heretible effects to know how phenotype can change due to NS
- The combination of Bg and Ve results in partial heredity
Heretible varaition = part of Vp we are concerned with
Value of heretibility
0 -1
0 – there is no relationship between parent and offsrping phenotype
- Offspring are not correlated to parents
- All envirnment – no varaince due to genetics
1 – Offspring phenotypes are expactlet like parents
- Phenotype is expactley like parents – if know parent know offspring phenotype
Broad sense heretibility
H^2 = Vg/Vp
Proportion of total phenotypuc variance (Vp) made up of genetic varaince
- Proportion of total varaince that is ascribed to genetic varaince
Narrow sense – proportion of phenotypic varaition that is passed between parents and offspring in a straight foward way (easily predictable way)
- due to additive affects
- Proportion of all genetic varaition due to additive affects
h^2 = VA/Vp
Broad vs. Narrow sense heretibility
Broad = encompasses all of the gentic input to the trait
- Ecompasses all potential genetic affects acting on phenotype
- All varaition due to any type of genetic affect
- Includes genetic affects that it is hard for NS to act on
- Braod = not measure of heretibiulity critical to making predictions
H^2 = Vg/Vp
Narrow sense – proportion of phenotypic varaition that is passed between parents and offspring in a straight foward way (easily predictable way)
- due to additive affects
- Proportion of all genetic varaition due to additive affects
- Part that matters –> component of Vp that is due additive
h^2 = VA/Vp
Breaking down Vg
Vg = can be broken down into different components
- Can break down genetic variance
Vg = Va + Vd + Vi
Va = additive genetic varaince
Vd = dominance genetic varaince
Vi = epistatic interaction genetic varaince
***Not hard to measure them independently
- Hard to get in nature
What drives narrow sense heretibility
Va = drives narrow sense heretibility
- Affects parent offsrping relationshio
Vd and Vi = interfere with direct parent phenotype to offspring phenotype relationshio
- Interfere with some of parental contirbution to your phenotype = interfere with direct realtionship
- they’re difficult to measure without
knowing the genotypes.
- More importantly – they interfere with the straightforward prediction of the effects of natural selection
How to measure additive genetic varaince
Hard to do directlet –> hard to fo without finding h^2
Don’t know Va without knowing h = we measure h^2 directley and then get Va