History of life - Humans Flashcards
Mammals during Dinasours
Mammals hang on in dinosaur dominated ecosystems
- Mostly small BUT some ecological expansion
- Overall = Bog shift in mesazoic (marsupials + placental) THEN diversify in the cretacous
Fossils of Primates
Earliest fossil primates appear in Eocene
- Small Aboreal (lived in trees) omnivores
- Not too long after astorid = get primates
Where did primates likely evolve
Likley originated in North America and Spread to Europe
- NA = where the earliest fossils are from
Timing of primates
Fossils = seen after the cretceous BUT if we look at the molecular clock of the nuetral mutation rate –> the molecular clock puts first primate back to before the atsroid (Suggests older orgin)
Means the orgin of primates = during the cretacous (end of the dinasours)
- Ancestors pop up when have diverisfying of mammals
- All mammals diversify during the cretecous
- All placental mammals alive in the cretecoius –> diverify by the time wipe dinsours out
Primate family Tree
Colugos split – split from our closest living order (Dermopetra)
- Split from Cologous in cretecous
- Colugos = closte living relatoives to primates
lemurs and Galagos – Protsimeans –> primates split form them in the cretecous (split from prosimians)
- Before the dinasours dies = have diversofications
- Last common ancestor of all extent primated = 69 MYA
- No fossil evidence in this time frame
Split between Tarsiers + Monkeys and apes
- Start having fossils (evidence is consistent with mol. data) – have ancetsors of two distict lineages with tarsiers splitting from what would become mokeys and apes
Split new world monkeys and old world monkeys
- We are old world monkeys
- New world vs. old world = difereny nose strocture + tails + Dentition + Claws
- Have fossils and molecular data match – have monkeys from Africa going to South America (Primates and rodents went to South America fatser than others)
THEN CA of old world and Apes/humans
- We are in clade in Apes
- Old world show up 30 MYA and by 25 MYA have divergence from lineage of Mokeys
- We are in Catahinni – Old world + Apes
THEN great apes split from gibbons
- Fossil evidence of gibbon evolution is scant but we know that they had rapid radiation in SE asia (18 species in 4 genera)
THEN Orangutangs split – Ancestral form of apes were commin in Euprope at the time
- Orangtagne ancestors show up in middle eat/India and move eastward into east asia
Timing of primate diversification evidence
Timing is based on molecular clock – no fossils for some of it
BUT the fossils that we do have is consistent with clock
Evidence of tarsiers and Monkey split
Not details fossils because they live in forest
- Chance that decompose or picked apart before fossilize
Fossilize differeley in different ecosystems
How did old world monkeys go to South America
World was different
NOW – SA vs. Africa –> 2000 miles
Before – SA vs. Africa –> 1000 Km
- Lot closer (Still far)
Way it happens = ocean dispersal
Ocean Disperal
rare but happens – it has been obsvered in recent times (often following large stroms or tsunamis)
Overall – Float on a log
Example - Anguini –> colonize by Iguana – got there by drifting on a log from hurricane – 250 km across ocean then colnize island
New worl vs. Old world mokeys
They are very divergent – Major synamptomorphes
New = tails + claws not fingernails + nostils on side
Old = Nostils down
Divergent for 40 Million years = different structrually
New worl vs. Old world mokeys
They are very divergent – Major synamptomorphes
New = tails + claws not fingernails + nostils on side
Old = Nostils down
Divergent for 40 Million years = different structrually
Diveristy of Gibbons
Very diverse 18 spoecies across 4 genera
BUT the diversity occured recentley – involoved a lot of scrambling of the genome –> recent burst od diverity + lots of genome evolution
Humans + Organgutags
We are closer to organguates than Gibbons but not much closer than gibbons –> split of organgtags happens in Europe bevcause that is were most early apes are found
- Included large primates
African Apes + Humans
African age are much more closley related to us
Humans + old world mokeys
We are in clade with old world BUT old world mokeys are also in their own clade – we are sisters
Who are our closets living relatives
Based on morpholgy it was hard to know for certain
Molecular and fossil evidence are clear –> NOW know that our closest relatives = Pan (Chimps + Banboes) – closer than gorillas
- Share a common ancestor more recentley with pan than gorilla
Why didn’t we know who humans were closest to?
Didn’t know because of issue with phylogenies
DNA based phylogeny does anlways give us the right answer
- Way that some alleles are related might not reflect how species are related
Issues in Phylogenies
- Can have too much evolution
- means relationship is just a coincidence
- Looks like relationship but it is convergent evolution (homoplasies)
- Homoplasies resulting from accumulation of independentley derived shared mutations
- Have good species but not enough molecular evolution to make gene trees to make species tree
- Not enough apparent conflicting data
- result = Incomplete lineage sorting –> Which alleles end in which species might not dictate relationsgip of genes – cause phylogenies to give the wrong answer
Incomplete lineage sorting
Variation Present within ancestral population (before speciation) segregates differently among ancestors and diffrent loci
Example of incomplete lineage sorting
Start: Have relataive amount of genes diversifying – different segerate during evolution of popultion
- Genes = homologs
- See ancestral relationship –> split wats varaition plays out lragley end up with trees mismatching between species trees
Have 3 allees on one side and three alleas on the other side
- Based on driect evolution alalles on one side and lose allels on yje otehr = different set of alleles on either side of split
- Alleles go to fixaton (have succesive rounds of split them drift)
- Ways it alleles can go to fixation = gives different relatedness to each other when make phylogeney
OVERALL - Have 6 alleles in the ancetsrla na dthe 6 can split into two groups of three and which of the three go to fixation affects the tree and depending on which goes to fixations gives a different phylogeney = gives different relatedness
Bearing careful with DNA evidence
Need to be wearying because of Incomplete lineage sorting – be carefuol when making assumption of DNA eviudence
- Can’t rely on it by itself
What compleicates phylogeney more
More complicated if add hybridization + migration among diverging popultions
- Further lowers ability to make strong inferences
Diversifcation in our lineage
Based on sequences from extant primates - our lineage looks sleepy
Banoes and chimapnees = have a lot of diversiofication that dates back
BUT humans –> diversity seems to be recent
Portryal of lineage
For a long time our lineage was portrayed as a straight shot with fossils placed in a linear sequence
- Process of apes to huymans = direct line
Two models of evolution of lineage
- Progressive evolution of a single lineage
- One lineage with smooth transition
- Evolutionary radiation
- Adaptive radiation – diversiftcaion of ancestors
Basis for Hypothesis for human evolution in past
A lot of hypothesis were soley based on fossils avalble at the time (based on data they had - not a lot)
Members of the genes homo Neaderthals and Homo erectus were discovered early in far flung regions – early man showing up in very different places
There were no fossils filling the gaps between fossil apes and early humans