Quantitative Data 2 (6) Flashcards
Internal consistency reliability
Ensuring all parts of the test are reliable
Cronbachs alpha
Statistical test that estimates to what extent each factor is measuring the same construct
Split half reliability
Correlations test comparing one half of the test to the other
Test retest reliability
Ensures that the measure remains valid over time
Population validity
Can we generalise from this sample?
Ecological validity
Can we generalise to other settings?
Face validity
Does the test appear to measure what it’s designed to measure?
Concurrent validity
How well does the test correlate with another measure of the same factor at the same time?
Predictive validity
How well does the test predict future behaviour?
Construct validity
The items should underlie the constructs it the new theory.
Bivariate relationships
Analysis of two variables to establish whether or not a relationship exists
Scatter plot
Exploration of correlational data