Quality Management in Diagnostic imaging Flashcards
What is the largest contributor of man made radiation exposure to the population?
Radiographic proceedures
What is this defining?
A plan for the systematic observation and assesment of different aspects of a project, service or facility to make certian that standards of quality are being met.
Quality Assurance
What are the 3 main subsections of QA?
- Patient care
- Image production
- Image interpertation
What is the primary objective of QA testing?
Tp enhance patient care and provide consistant, prompt and accurate diagnosis
What is the secondary objectives of QA testing?
-Maintain diagnostic image quality
-Minimize dose
-Cost effecive
-Reporting time
What are the 2 main elements involved in the QA program?
- Eqipment calibration and monitoring
- Analysis of repeated exposures
QC is a type of QA.
What is quality control?
The ccalibration and monitoring of equipment that consists of a series of standardized tests
Who can preform level one testing for QC?
Who can preform Level 2 QC testing?
QC technologists
Who can preform level 3 QC testing?
Who does the QC tech report to?
The radiology manager
QC technologists carry out day to day QC tests as perscribed by the QC test schedule. (Daily, weekly, monthly, ect.)
What are the 3 types of testing for radiographic equipment?
- Acceptance testing
- Routine testing
- Error correction testing
Who can preform acceptance testing?
Level 3 (independent 3rd party)
What is acceptance testing?
Testing that ensures machines operate within manufacter’s, federal and provincial standards
Who can preform routine testing?
Level 2/3
Who can preform error correction testing?
Service techs
What two acts govern radiographers provincially in regards to QA?
- Occupational health and safety act
What two acts govern radiographers federally in regards to QA?
- Safety Code 35
- RED act (radiation emitting devices act)
Who does the HARP commission report to?
The Minister of Health
Who sets up frequencing of QC testing?
Provincial or federal regulators
What type of testing is this describing?
Test to evaluate correction of equipment that has malfunctioned.
Error correction testing
What organization is this?
Regulation of:
-Operator Qualifications
Registrations, installation and performance requirements for medical x-ray units (across modalities)
-QC compliance standards and testing frequency
-Provides guidance to the Radiation Protection Officer
-X-ray worker & Public radiation protection
How much radiation can an x ray worker be exposed to (whole body dose) per week?
1mSv/100 Milirem
How much radiation can a person (not an x ray worker) be exposed to per week?
.1 mSV/10 milirem
According to the HARP act, how long does the cable need to be on a mobile machine?
At least 3 meters in length
What is the maximum mean dose a pregnant worker can recieve to the abdomen?
5 mSv
What is the maximum annual who body dose for an x ray worker?
50 mSv
What is the maximum annual who body dose for the public?
5 mSv
How long does an emplyer have to keep an x ray workers personal dosimeter records?
At least 3 years
What are the three primary objectives of Safety Code 35?
- To minimize patient exposure to ionizing radiation while ensuring the necessary diagnostic information is obtained and treatment provided;
- to ensure adequate protection for personnel operating the x-ray equipment;
- to ensure adequate protection of other personnel and the general public in the vicinity of areas where X-ray equipment is used.
What organization provides a schedule and list for performing quality control measures?
Safety Code 35
Who acts as an advisor on all radiation protection aspects during operations on the machine at any point in its use?
Medical physicist or radiation safety officer
In some jurisdictions a registered nurse or nurse practitioner may be authorised by legislation to order x ray examinations.
What dose is recommended for technologists in training?
If there are two conflicting opinions on a radiation rule, which organization should you follow; federal or provincial?
What age range should you ask patients if there is a possibility of pregnancy?
If a radiograph contains the required information, repeat procedures must not be prescribed simply because the radiograph is not of the “best” diagnostic quality.
What organization provides specific guidance for the prescription of imaging examinations?
Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR)
(Provide recommendations on appropriateness of imaging investigations)
Use of a high kVp and low mAs should be used to reduce the amount of recieved radiation dose.
The focal spot to skin distance should be as small as possible, consistent with good radiographic technique.
False; The focal spot to skin distance should be as large as possible, consistent with good radiographic technique.
For very young children, special devices should be employed tp restrict movement.
All rejected images must be collected for use during routine rejection analysis.
What does the RED act stand for?
Radiation emitting devices act
Which act is this describing?
The Act sets safety and performance standards for the sale, lease, import, labelling, packaging, and advertising of radiation emitting devices to ensure that workers and the public are not placed at risk.
The RED act