Quality criteria Flashcards
Name the quality criteria for qualitative research
- Credibility (internal validity)
- Transferability (external validity)
- Dependability (reliability)
- Confirmability (objectivity)
Explain credibility and how you can ensure it.
The extent to which the study findings are trustworthy and believable to others.
Is there a strong link between the data and the theoretical ideas that are developed?
- Reach data saturation
- Member check
- Data triangulation
Explain transferability and how you can ensure it.
The extent to which the findings can be transferred or applied in different settings.
- Thick descriptions
- Explain the sample strategie
- Discuss the findings with literature
from different settings.
Explain dependability and how you can ensure it.
The extent to which findings are consistent in relation to the contexts in which they were generated.
If the study was conducted again, would similar data be obtained under similar conditions?
- Reach data saturation
- Iterative data collection
- Audit trail (document the reasons
behind choices and actions
Explain confirmability and how to ensure it.
The extent to which findings are based on the study’s participants and settings instead of the researchers bias
Neutrality of evidence
- Discussion with peers
- Reflexivity
- Audit trail, document steps and
desicions taken.
COREQ checklist
Checklist to see if you are complete. Be reflexive