Qualitative Research Quiz 2 Flashcards
Interview style designed for small groups of unrelated individuals, formed by an investigator and led in a group discussion on a particular topic(s)
Focus Group
Sometimes used to quickly and conveniently collect data from several people simultaneously
Group Interview
Explicitly use group interactions as part of the data-gathering method
Focus Group Interview
Focus group approach= most useful in investigating ______________, __________________, and _____-
Motivations, decisions, priorities
Focus groups commonly used in combination with what as a validity check on the findings?
Individual Interviews
Maximum number of members in focus group
7 (book)
101-2 (Jedlicka)
Several members of the group jumping on board with a particular idea as the result of subgroup pressure
Group Think
The heart of the data in a focus group is where?
In the group dynamic
How long should focus group interviews be?
30-60 minutes
Has role of drawing out information, monitoring informal group discussion, and encouraging free speaking, should remain neutral
Focus group problems to avoid
Running FG without reason, vague objectives, using too few groups, over-reaching, too big of groups, too much or not enough moderator influence, professional moderators tend to get professional results, bullies
Advantages of FGs
highly flexible, lots of info in short amount of time, better understanding of group dynamics, used to gather info from transient populations, even footing of participants and investigator, may explore unanticipated but related topics, do not require complex sampling strategies
Disadvantages of FGs
Quality linked to facilitator skill, different analysis than surveys or individual interviews, attendance=voluntary, brief duration of session, limited # of questions, only group (not individual) responses in results, data= difficult to generalize, may be dominant personalities
What should be in the moderator’s guide?
- Intro and Introductory activities
- Statement of basic rules/guidelines
- Short Q&A discussions
- Special activities or exercises
- Guidance for dealing with sensitive issues
Basic ingredients in focus groups
Clearly defines objective/research problem, nature of the group, atmosphere and rapport, aware listening facilitator, well-organized and prepared facilitator, structure and direction, research assistance, systematic analysis
Data analysis needs to attend to what 3 things?
Consensus, dissensus, resonance
Points of agreement within group
Steps of analyzing data
- Transcirption
- Observer Notes
- Analyze discussion content