Qualitative Research Quiz 1 Flashcards
The use of multiple lines of sight, using more than 1 method to collect data, looking at information from multiple viewpoints
Where 3 sighting lines intersect
Triangle of Error
The use of multiple data collection technologies, multiple theories, multiple researcher, multiple methodologies, or combinations of these four categories of research activities
Lines of Action
“The building blocks of theory”
Symbolic or abstract elements representing objects, properties, or features of objects, processes, or phenomenon
Testable propositions about the relations among our research concepts form a special class of propositions (concept clusters)
Based on the notion that a sample can be selected that will mathematically represent subgroups of some larger population
Probability sampling
Type of probability sampling in which each element in the full population must have an equal and independent chance of inclusion in the eventual sample to be studied. Typically intended to to produce a representative sample.
Simple random sampling
Sampling in which efforts are taken to create a quasi-random sample and to have a clear idea about what larger group(s) the sample may reflect without a basis on probability theory.
Non-probability sampling
Accidental/availability sample, “whoever shows up”
Convenience Sample
Printed list of available population, every nth name selected from list
Systematic random sampling
Used whenever researchers need to ensure that a certain sample of the identified population under examination is represented in the sample
Stratified random sampling
Judgemental sampling
Purposive sampling
Researchers use expertise about some group to select subjects, often used with unusual phenomenon, used when researcher wants more general feel of the experience.
Purposive sampling
Chain referral sampling, respondent-driven sampling
Snowball sampling
Sampling in which subjects asked to refer other subjects
Snowball sampling
Sampling that begins with matrix/table that creates cells labeled by attributes
Quota sampling
Researcher seeks to engage fully in the activities of the group or organization under investigation
Researcher as complete participant
Researcher accepts overt or announced role as researcher, presence and intentions of researcher known to group
Participant as observer
Active attempt to remove from the research records any elements that might indicate the subjects’ identities
Subjects remain nameless
Extent to which research findings are an authentic reflection of the personal or lived experiences of the phenomenon under investigation
Providing a detailed description of the context and circumstances surrounding the phenomena being studied
Thick description
2 purposed of triangulation
Confirmation and completeness
Use of two or more data collection instruments and techniques to overcome the bias of using a single-method, single-observer, or single theory approach
3 types of triangulation
Data triangulation, researcher triangulation, methodological triangulation