Qualitative Research Questions Flashcards
Which of the following is not a characteristic of quantitative research? a. theories including causal models b. a holistic approach to persons c. prediction and control of phenomena d. precise definition of variables
theories including causal models xx
precise definition of variables
Which of the following assumptions is NOT appropriate to qualitative research?
Random sampling
Involves holistic inquiry carried out in a natural setting.
There is an emphasis on the collection of textural data.
Humans are the primary research instrument.
Random sampling
A qualitative analysis of an interview transcript is likely to include:
the use of a checklist xx
checks on the quality of the interviewer’s speech
Which of the following requirements is likely to necessitate qualitative research?
secondary data used from national survey research centre xx
Which of the following assumptions is appropriate to qualitative research?
Experimentation xx
Qualitative field research involves:
structured data collection xx
Which of the following is not an example of qualitative field research?
A researcher studying physiotherapy conditions in major hospitals spends a week working as a physiotherapist’s aide at Prince Henry’s Hospital. xx
If an interviewer is required to stick to a precise set of questions during a survey we call this a ___________ interview.
a. structured
b. well-organised
c. unstructured
d. controlled
Which of the following BEST describes data collection in a qualitative study?
few variables, short period of time xx
many variables, short period of time
Recordings during an observational qualitative study are known as:
Dependent variables xx
Observational roles
A focus group is most beneficial when:
interviewer control of the question order is of high importance
A researcher who spends six months on a geriatric ward as a nursing assistant collecting data on nurse and patient behaviours is using what method of observational data gathering?
Participant observer
A qualitative researcher reflecting on one’s own biases, values, and assumptions is known as:
thematic development
One of the major problems associated with the use of participant observation as a research strategy is:
participation may alter the phenomena under study
Which of the following assumptions is appropriate to qualitative research?