Qualitative research Flashcards
2 core aspects of interpretivism
- understanding in context
- researcher as the primary instrument
2 dangers of positivism
- Idealism (deduce everything to language)
- Relativism (if everything is constructed, there’s no real truth, what even has value?)
Discourses operate in particular…
What is a bad question within African postcolonial methods?(2 marks)
- a question based on uncritical assumptions
- one likely to be exploitative of respondents
African research….
- disrupts othering through centering African knowledge and identity
- uses reflexivity to disrupt power in research
- thinks critically about the knowledge it is producing
describe standpoint methodologies
- more specific about orientation of epistemology and ontology
- political viewpoints rather than methods
3 central premises of standpoint methodolgies
- uncover hidden relationships
- understanding is directed towards change in emancipatory or liberating direction
- focus on neglected, disempowered or voiceless populations or issues
keypoints of feminist standpoint
- concerned with lack of research understanding womens experiences
- recognition of subjective role of researcher
- core concerns = gender issues, racism, sexism, patriachy
What are theoretical frameworks
- a conceptual framework that defines your position and outlines stance of research
- an entire paradigm in which your ontology, epis and method sit
Name the 5 approached to qualitative research
Case study
Grounded theory
Name the 4 types of Narrative approaches
- Biographical
- Authoethnographical
- Life History
- Oral History
Narrative research can be emancipatory and empowering
Name the 3 types of Case study
- Single instrumental
- collective
- Intrinsic
Name the 2 types of Phenomenological
- Hermanuetical
- Transcendental
Name the two types of ethnographic approached
- Realist
- Critical
PAR is a type of
critical research approach
Photovoice is a type of….
PAR combines research with…. and it…
Produces knowledge in partnerships with those affected by that knowledge to improve their soc/edu and material condition
PAR champoins the interests of …
the research participants over the interest of the researcher
PAR is in a tensional relationship with….
positivism (believes in one objective truth, doesn’t include participants in process) and interpretivism (interpretivism focuses on the individual and PAR on community)
Name the 3 tensions that PAR straddles
- science and practice (science = knowledge and doesn’t care for application, PAR sees knowledge is intrinsically linked with application)
- individual and collective needs (PAR insists on comm engagement and action
- researcher and researched (know WITH the comm rather than know ABOUT)
Photovoice support comms by
engaging with their own issues and working towards changes that that comm wants to seer
Photovoice is a decolonial method as it offers a
different way of thinking about knowledge production
All PAR studies are bottom up. True or False?
PAR process is cyclical. How so?
develop knowledge, apply it, application of it creates new knowledge etc
Three phases of PAR
- Defining problem
- Data collection
- Utilization
Participation in PAR is enabled by
Empowerment (control in relation to research)
Critical consciousness(both action and reflection, build a reflexive understanding)
Social capital(levels of trust and reciprocity in the community)
Name the 4 types on non-probability sampling
- convenience
- purposive
- snowball
- theoretical
List 3 benefits to archival research
- pragmatically easier
- fewer ethical considerations
- data is already available
Data collection techniques (4)
- interviews
- Focus groups
- Observation
- Archival
Describe Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology
Ontology = nature of reality and what can be known about it
Epistemology = relationship between research and what can be known
Methodology = collecting the knowledge
Discursive analysis is
the act of showing how certain discourses are deployed to achieve particular effects in specific contexts
Discourse =
broad pattern of talk taken up in speeches and conversations
FDA focuses on power relationships in society as expressed….
through language and practices