QRG Items Flashcards
Notify Dispatch for increase in weight of:
2000 lbs. over flight plan weight
Exceeds M1 Enroute MTOG
T/O Alt required if:
T/O Alt must be within:
WX below landing minimums
Within 400 NM
Is the ALT legal?
Must be an R, A, F, or P airport
APCH MIN cannot be NA on -9A page
Single apch facility: add 400 and 1 mile
Multiple (different runway numbers)
Add 400 to lowest or 200 to highest
Add 1 mile to lowest or 1/2 mile to highest
What are Lower than Standard
T/O Mins?
Use Charted -9A Mins unless departure procedure is more restrictive.
If not charted, use mins below.
1600 RVR HIRL or CL or RCLM or
Adequate Visual Reference
1000 RVR with CL or RCLM and HIRL
500 RVR with CL and HIRL
*if reported, RVR must be used and all controlling
To descend below MDA/DA
If inflight visibility is above mins
To go below 100 ft TDZE or 50 ft DH, one of the following visible:
RWY marking or lights
Approach lighting red terminal bar
Red side-row bars
Stabilized APCH limits
By 1500 AGL or FAF (whichever later)
Gear down
Airspeed less than or equal to 180 knots
Stabilized APCH limits
At or below 500 ft?
Except for momentary airspeed and descent rate deviations,
PM announces “Go Around” and reason
Holding speeds?
SFC-6K: 200 kts / 1 min
6001-14K: 230 kts / 1 min
14001 and above: 265 kts / 1-1/2 mins
Avoid thunderstorms by:
Doppler TURB
Downwind Anvil
Seatbelt signs on and F/As seated within:
Doppler: 5 NM
Downwind anvil: 1 NM / 1 kt wind
Tops: 5000 ft
Seatbelt signs on and F/As seated within
Strong radar echoes - 20NM
Moderate echoes - 10 NM
Required Dispatch Reports
7 items
> 15 minute increase in flight time
+/- 5 minute change from ETA
4000 ft cruise altitude change
> 100 NM lateral deviation from route
Flight deck quantity indicator fails
ALL contingency fuel will be used
Significantly different weather or
MDT/SVR turbulence
Flight is assigned holding
Unplanned or sustained anti-icing/de-icing
What is 1-2-3 rule?
ALT only required if:
+/- 1 hr ETA less than 2000 ft or 3 SM
What is 1-1-3 rule?
Within 48 contiguous states or returning from Extended Domestic airport, an ALT only required if:
+/- 1 hr ETA is less than 1000 ft or 3 SM
Rwy legal and available with CAT I APPCH
Less than or equal to 2000 RVR and 200 ft Mins
Thunderstorms (PROB or TEMP) +/- 1 hr ETA
What is 1-1-2 rule?
Within 48 contiguous states or returning from Extended Domestic airport, an ALT is only required:
+/- 1 hr ETA is less than 1000 ft or 2 SM
Rwy must be available and legal
CAT II/IIII aircraft
TS (PROB or TEMP) +/-1 hr ETA
What are APPCH MINS?
Raw ILS?
Circling: 1000 ft and 3 miles
NP: must have 1000 ft and 3 miles, otherwise autopilot
Raw ILS: 4000 RVR (3/4 mile)
Visual: 1000 ft and 3 SM
Stabilized APPCH criteria:
By 1000 ft
By 1000 ft:
Final landing configuration Landing/Final Descent Checklist \+15 and -5 KIAS of target airspeed On lateral profile On vertical profile, max VS: \+/-300 fpm Less than 1200 fpm \+/- 1 degree
Less than 100 hours / UA CAPT in type:
CAT II to MINS (if avail)
CAT I to MINS if:
Autopilot to DA and
If braking action is less than good:
X-wind less than or equal to 15 kts
4000 RVR (3/4 mile)
Otherwise: increase CAT I MINS:
Add 100 ft to DA
Add 1/2 mile to vise
No lower than 300 and 1
If F/O less than 100 hours, T/O and Landing Mins?
No RWY clutter Vis greater than 3/4 mile or 4000 RVR X-wind less than or equal to 15 kts No reported windshear No special qualification airports No braking action advisories
Clutter limits for takeoff?
Greater than:
1/2 inch water, slush, wet snow
4 inches dry snow